世界经济与政治研究所(英文) 为您搜到的结果 约有2042项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.136秒)
China & World Economy / 87–102, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2014 Bridging the Gap between Western and Chinese Evidence in the International Education Market Wen Wen, Yan Luo, Die Hu* Abstract Using a sample of 1674 international students in China, the present study explores sociocultural adaptation and its determinants. The results indicate that soci......
China & World Economy / 42–60, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2014 Enhancing China’s Innovation Performance: The Policy Choices Xiaolan Fu, Rongping Mu* Abstract Transforming China into an innovation-driven economy has been one of the top priorities of the Chinese Government. This paper examines the policy choices involved in the extended national innovatio......
Zhang Ming, Xiao Lisheng and colleagues meet with Deputy Director Markus Rodlauerher 
of IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department, Senior Resident Representative 
for China Alfred, and two colleagues 

Head of International Investment Division and Research Fellow Zhang Ming, Research Fellow Xiao Lisheng of International Finance Division and colleague......
Xue Li meets with scholars from NetherlandsResearch Fellow Xue Li meets with scholars from Netherlands who are participating in EPA-IIAS-IWASS-CASS joint projects, hosted by Institute of West Asian and African Studies of CASS. (2013-11-14)...
China & World Economy / 1–19, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2013 Business Cycle in China since the Lehman Crisis: Interaction among Macroeconomic Policy, Economic Growth and Inflation C. H. Kwan Abstract The major objectives of China’s macroeconomic policy are to stabilize economic growth and inflation, which, in turn, are important factors determining key......
Global Development Perspective Working Paper No. 14.003November 10, 2014 [PDF Download] Emerging Asia Currencies Anchor to Emerging Currency Baskets?The Role of Renminbi as an Anchor Currency in Southeast Asia Xu Qiyuan, Yang Panpan Abstract: With the time varying parameter regression based on the State Space model, the emp......
Global Development Perspective Policy Brief No. 15.002January 08, 2015  [PDF Download]  Chinawon't suffer from yuan-rouble swap Xu Qiyuan  Did China give money away in therecent yuan-rouble swap? To answer this question, we should first understandthat this deal was different from the traditional currency swaps that aim......
Chen Guoping, Han Bing, and Ren Lin meet with visiting scholar and Professor Moon Gyewan from Business School of Kyungpook National University (KUN), Korea Party Secretary Chen Guoping, Research Fellow Han Bing of International Investment Division, and Assistant Research Fellow Ren Lin of Global Governance Division meet with visiting scholar and Pr......
China & World Economy  / 80–97, Vol. 20,  No. 2, 2012 Regional Economic Growth and Spillover Effects: An Analysis of China’s Pan Pearl River Delta Area Yu Chen, Yanrui Wu* Abstract The Pan Pearl River Delta (PPRD) Regional Co-operation Framework Agreement was signed in 2004. It aims to bring prosperity throu......
*Research Center for International Finance, Policy Brief[PDF Download]The Transition of China’s Development ModelZhang Ming      From 1978 to 2010, China had achieved a continuous high economic growth under controllable inflation pressure. During the 33 years, the average GDP growth is 10.0%, and the average CPI growth is ......
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