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[出版/发表]《北东アジ研究》 (日本),总第6号,2004年1月
[提要]近代中国妇女解放运动的先驱者和中国民主革命的著名女政治活动家何香凝是在孙中山先生的指引下投身于中国民主革命行列的。在整个民主革命进程中 ,何香凝同孙中山建立了深厚的革命友谊。何香凝坚决捍卫孙中山先生的三民主义和三大政策 ,在孙中山先生逝世后为完成其未竟事业仍进行了不懈的奋......
When the revolution of 1911 reached a high tide, both Jiangsu and Anhui were stricken by very serious floods. In response to these floods, the CCFRFC was founded and was based on Chinese and foreign unofficial cooperation. Under the state of political turmoil, the CCFRFC uninterruptedly focused on the famine relief. To some extent, CCFRFC's wor......
During the years 1907-1909, Zhang Zhidong administered the Board of Education, in the capacity of Grand Minister of the State. Under his guidance,while actively pushing for the development of general and industrial education, the Board advocated the preservation of the national quintessence and continued to encourage young people to seek advancemen......
The death of Sun Yat-sen in March 1925 marked the end of a stage in the Kuomintang (Nationalist) Party’s revolutionary cause. After a transitional period of just a year, Chiang Kai-shek took power and a new stage began. The young military staffers of Sun and his relatives rose to dominant positions in the KMT and government. Old and new exter......

     摘要:梁士诒是北京政府老臣,是众人熟谙的北洋"财神"。在其亦官亦商的政商道路上,交通银行是最重要的驿站之一。在北伐前后的南北大变局中,梁士诒作为交行的灵魂人物,其在南北间的运筹,虽然难以排除政治投机的成分,但更多还是呈现了一位银行家在政权更迭中的现实顾虑及复杂应对。梁士诒和交通银行或为此一时期银行家、银行及政治间交缠纠葛的一个典型例证。 ......

关键词:交通银行 废两改元 法......
[出版/发表]《历史教学》1982年  第11期
[提要]<正> 1900年爆发的义和团运动,是中国人民反对帝国主义侵略的正义斗争。有关这场运动的资料,数量极大,卷帙繁多。现仅就所知者分为综合资料、义和团文献、清方档案和外文资料四类加以叙述。凡近年来出版的新资料 ...
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