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[出版/发表]《神州学人》 1996年 09期
[提要]从19世纪40年代初起,英国先后割占了香港岛、九龙,租借了“新界”,侵占了整个香港地区。150多年以来,中国人民一直渴望收复香港地区,历届中国政府都作出了努力。 清朝时期 英军强占香港岛以后不久,中国就强烈提出了收复香港的主张。 1841年1月25日,英军强行侵占了香港岛......
On 7-8 December 2003, Symposium of Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Changde Battle, sponsored by Hu Nan Literature and Science College and cooperated by Investigation Committee of the Backteriological Warfare Victims  of Changde City of Hunan Province, was holden in  Hu Nan Literature and Science College. More than 70 people , including schola......
The Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party held symposium in the People’s Great Hall commemorating the birth of Mao Zedong....
Chen Duxiu was sharp-sighted to the theme of new era, proposing a new magazine to change Chinese ideology in 1913. It was a turn from his "political revolution" to the "ideological revolution". "Youth magazine"("New Youth") was deemed to be the locomotive of this prepared Cultural Enlightenment movement. Chiefly edited by Chen Duxiu. "New Youth" pe......
[出版/发表]《广西社会科学》1993年 05期
[提要]<正> 日本对华侵略是近代中日关系史的本质内容。日本在侵华过程中,除了采取军事手段外,还在利用中国内部的矛盾,施展挑拨离间伎俩,进行分裂中国的谋略活动。本文试就此作一探讨。一、中国辛亥革命时期,日本支持“官”“革”互斗中国辛亥革命爆发后......
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