近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.164秒)
The relationships between state and merchants are rather crucial at any time, since state policy regarding merchants and commercial activities has a direct impact on the whole social process. Generally speaking, social and political turmoil is viewed as the worst business environment, but the history of Peiping commerce during the Republican period......
The Term Question, or how to render the Biblical words God (Elohim/Theos) and Spirit (ruach/pneuma) into Chinese, has long been a controversy ever since the modern times. Nevertheless, it is generally considered by scholars to be an internal controversy among the Protestant missionaries to China without Chinese participations.Such assumption falls ......
This thesis focuses on the activities of Macartney who was the first British Consul General in Kashgar, and depicts the establishment of British Consulate in Kashgar, its early activities, the rivalry between Britain and Russia, especially discusses the problem of developing “nationals” in Xinjiang of both Britain and Russia. It is inferred from ......
In Qing Dynasty, a stable suzerain-vassal relationship existed between China and Korea. The tribute trade made by Korean Mission isone of the important contents. The main form of tribute trade of Korean mission is “Babao” trade, which was given many favorite preferential policies by Qing, but limited much by Korea. Of the limitations, the systems......
[提要]辛亥革命的下限,应该定在什么时候?许多有关著作,资料汇编,是把它定在1912 年4 月1 日,即孙中山辞卸临时大总统职务、南京临时政府结束的那一天。例如,《 近代史资料丛刊》 《 辛亥革命》 即是以此作为资料的编辑范围的。陈旭麓同志的《 辛亥革命》 一书,也是如此。倒是一些有关辛......
[出版/发表]《电影艺术》  1989年  第06期
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