近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.097秒)
Wang Qingcheng, male, born on 23rd April, 1928. His hometown is Chengxian, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province.When he finished his study of primary school in his hometown, the Japanese army attacked and occupied the most part of Eastern Zhejiang. Therefore he we...
My Good Fortune—A Short Note on Sixty Years at the Institute of Modern Chinese History                                           Zhang Zhenkun ()
Diligence, Rigor, Breadth and Fortitude Forged My Academic Spirit—My View of the Institute of Modern Chinese History’s Style o......
The Formation of the Revolution: The Transition of the Last Ten Years of the Qing Dynasty (Part One)                                                  Luo Zhitian ()
During its last ten years, the Qing court embarked on comprehensive reforms of unprecedented speed and extent, and took no obviously oppressive or “unjust” actions. Nevert......
[出版/发表]《文史哲》1963年 01期
[提要]<正> 党的八屆十中全会公报闡明了目前国际国內的有利形势,指出了我国人民当前的迫切任务,号召全国人民紧密地团結起来,在党中央和毛主席的領导下,更高举起三面紅旗,为爭取我国社会主义事业新胜利而奋斗。党在当前斗爭任务中,提出加强科学研究的号召。作为历史科学工作者,应該怎样......
The Japanese-Chinese security relationship is one of the most important variables in the formation of a new strategic environment in the Asia Pacific region which has not only regional but also global implications. The book investigates how and why since the 1990s China turned in the Japanese perception from a benign neighbour to an ominous chaleng......
Land mortgage is a common economic activity. Among the villagers of Shicang Village, Songyang County, Zhejiang, there were various ways to discharge a mortgage. These varying ways, as well as the shift of villagers' status between mortgagor and creditor, and the inter-related fluctuation of land prices, grain prices and the mortgage rate, revea......
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