近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.202秒)
When disputes over whether the textile industry should be run by the state or privately broke out during the War of Resistance against Japan, the Nationalist Government stuck to the principle that the industry should be privatized. However, after the War, the Nationalist Government took over former Japanese and puppet cotton mills in China and esta......
At the beginning of “Awakening Lion Movement,” the Nationalist faction was endeavoring to build a culturally conservative system combining Chinese and Western cultures, and take this as the movement’s ideology. Its modern train of thought included both historical and cultural philosophy based on European metaphysics, as well as reactions against......
( Originally Published 1910 ) 
(2o Emperors) 
An Augustan Age, Pair of Poets, the Coming of Christianity桾, the Empress Wu, system of Examinations 
I HAVE seen a river plunge into a chasm and disappear. After a subterranean course of many miles it rose to the surface fuller, stronger than before. No man saw from whence it drew its increment of forc......
Opinions have varied on the uprising slogans of the Yihetuan Movement in Guanxian and Weixian counties because there are no original Chinese records available. Fu Qing mie yang(Support the Qing (Manchu) court and wipe out the foreigners) and Shun Qing mie yang(Obey the Qing and wipe out the foreigners) were translated from P.Remy Isoré’s diary, b......
[名称]富田事变问题的讨论 对《总前委答辩的一封信》的一点质疑

[名称]中华民国史资料丛稿 马歇尔使华(美国特使马歇尔出使中国报告书)
The Qing emperors understood themselves as patrons of artists and writers. Especially the Kangxi Emperor promoted the collection of all knowledge and writing of China. He had published the History of Ming Dynasty (Ming Shi 明史), the illustrated encyclopedia Gujin tushu jicheng 古今圖書集成, the Collection of Tang poetry Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 and Ta......
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