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On April 4, 2014, the Investigation Group on the National Situation of the Rule of Law of the CASS Law Institute issued the Investigation Report on the Disclosure of Government Information in China in 2013. According to the report, there had been no marked improvement in the situation of disclosure of government information in China in 2013 as comp......
原定于10月30日(周二)的返所日,改为10月31日(周三)。请相互转告。特此通知!人事处     2012年10月25日...
BEIJING, May 7 (Xinhua) -- A senior Chinese judge has called for efforts to prevent miscarriages of justice, saying it is even preferable to spare guilty people than to hand down wrongful punishment to the innocent.Shen Deyong, executive vice president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC), made the remarks in an article published in the Monday editi......
BEIJING -- China's top legislature decided Friday not to vote on a draft amendment to the environmental protection law after a third reading, as legislators called for harsher actions to protect the already heavily polluted environment.Legislators at a plenary meeting Friday morning passed a revision to the law on consumer rights and interests, but......
中新网3月9日电 全国人大常委会法制工作委员会副主任信春鹰今日表示,去年8月全国人大常委会对环境保护法修正案草案进行了初次的审议,也就是说,现在环保法正在修改的过程当中。今天下午,十二届全国人大一次会议举行记者会,全国人大常委会副秘书长何晔晖,全国人大内务司法委员会副主任委员陈斯喜,全国人大常委会法制工作委员会副主任信春鹰、郎胜,全国人大常委会预算工作......
中新网重庆12月15日电 (记者 连肖)中共中央编译局副局长俞可平14日晚在西南政法大学以《中国历史上的官本主义》为题公开演讲。他通过分析中国历史上的官本主义文化和体制,提出民主和法治是破解官本主义流毒的惟一途径。 俞可平旁征博引中国古代历史,借朱元璋、和珅、胡雪岩等例子论述道:官本主义是中国传统社会的本质特征,是数千年中国传统社会的实际形态。俞可平说,官本主......
On February 24, 2014, the Symposium on “Specialized Libraries in an Environment of Ubiquitous Information: History, Current Situation, and Innovation”was held at the Lecture Hall of CASS Law Library. The Symposium was chaired by Professor Deng Zibin, the Head Librarian of the CASS Law Library and participated by all members of the Library. Mr. Ti......
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