马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时1.676秒)
Oliver Simpson
This article develops a sociological understanding of the lone mass shooter and the ways in which his affectual constellation is produced within and mirrors the social space. It begins by outlining the contemporary political context of terrorism. The article then explores the affectual constellation of an isolated mass mur......
Kimberly LeChasseur, Charles DT Macaulay, 0‡7rica Fern¨¢ndez
This study deconstructs the racial dimension of teacher resistance to parent authority within the shared social institution of education. More specifically, we examine how teachers responded to a teacher evaluation policy that included a parent-based component to......

Kyle Haines
Catastrophic imagery is pervasive today in part as a reaction to increasingly dire predictions of global environmental crises. Some have suggested that the novelty of anthropogenic change signals entrance into a new geologic epoch, the Anthropocene. In a parallel global debate over nuclear weapons, EP Thompson argued that th......

Shih-Yu Chou
The year 2016 marked the sixtieth anniversary of the Suez crisis. Proposing a metaphor of a chain of hypothetical propositions, this article examines the construction of national interests through a case study of the Suez crisis. This metaphor offers a useful way to step back from common sense and to think of Britain¡¯......

Chamsy el-Ojeili and Dylan Taylor
The notion of ¡°extremism,¡± we argue, can be understood as an element of the contemporary liberal consensus or ¡°post-politics.¡± In particular, the anti-utopian character of extremism discourse necessitates robust critical theoretical attention. As part of this critique, we seek to r......

Jo0Š0o Pereira & Aurora Galego
This article investigates the determinants of wage gaps between European Union countries along the wage distribution, applying the methodology proposed by Firpo, Fortin and Lemieux (2009) and Fortin, Lemieux and Firpo (2011). The authors conclude that both wage structure and composition effects cont......
Peterson Nnajiofor
Department of Foreign Languages Applied to Business, University of Lorraine in Metz, Metz, France
Chinese investments in African countries have increased massively in the last two decades. Critics have been vociferous for or against the Afro-Chinese relationship depending on their convictions making it a bit difficult ......
Victor G. Devinatz
Department of Management and Quantitative Methods, Illinois State University, Normal, USA
From 1935 to 1945, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) trade unionists were indefatigable and dedicated organizers for the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). The objective of this article is to analyze the CPUSA¡¯s ro......

T0‰9nia Ferraro, Leonor Pais, Nuno Rebelo Dos Santos & Jo0Š0o Manuel Moreira
This research develops a Decent Work Questionnaire (DWQ) to measure workers¡¯ perceptions of decent work. Current measurements of decent work are almost completely lacking at the individual worker level of analysis, and this study contributes ......

Jean-Michel Bonvin, Francesco Laruffa, Emilie Rosenstein
The aim of this article is to lay down the foundations of a critical sociology of democracy and participation. Based on Amartya Sen¡¯s capability approach, we identify four major pitfalls of classical theories on justice and deliberative democracy: 1) an excessive emphasis......
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