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Leo Panitch
It is impossible to read Gramsci¡¯s Prison Notebooks without appreciating how far he actually transcended the dichotomy between pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will. He did so precisely by applying his stunningly creative intelligence to what really would need to be involved in the creation of a new ......

Waquar Ahmed
Since the initiation of the New Economic Policy in 1991, India¡¯s power policy illustrates the crystallization of a form of situated rationality that relies on capitalist competitiveness and foreign investment for growth and development. This paper, using critical discourse analysis, examines the resettlement of the......

Dennis Pilon
By many accounts the world is more democratic today than ever before. This is usually understood to mean that more countries observe the popularly accepted procedural norms of nation-based democratic practice, such as regular elections, parliamentary control of the executive, and the ability to organize politically, fre......

Duong Duc Dai
This article focuses on the link between alienation, commodity fetishism and human development. Alienation and commodity fetishism appear in different ways, very abstract and invisibly. People engage innocently with these phenomena without awareness of how their well-beings are related to. Empirically, this research reve......

Darko R. Suvin
Fascism is discussed as a pathology of masses under capitalism, and its components are defined. It was a class block between rulers and segments of the middle classes while neutralising the working classes and any deviant political forces by terror and ideology. Ultra-nationalism is presented as its key element, and min......

Marcello Musto
The debate on the structure of Marx's Capital, and on the probable explanations for the changes he made to the initial ¡°six books plan¡±, has always been a relevant topic in Marxist studies. This article provides a more exhaustive account of the genesis of Capital, on the basis of a revisitation of Marx's intelle......

Gregor Gall, Eleanor Kirk
Strike activity in Britain continues at its historically low ebb. The level of strikes is likely to remain low or even fall further as a result of the introduction of the Tory Trade Union Act 2016 on 1 March 2017. This raises the issue of whether other means of the expression and resolution of workplace gri......

Christian Fuchs
Mihailo Markovi0Œ4 (1923¨C2010) was one of the leading members of the Yugoslav Praxis Group. Among other topics, he worked on the theory of communication and dialectical meaning, which makes his approach relevant for a contemporary critical theory of communication. This paper asks: How did Mihailo Markovi0Œ......

Diana Boros
This review examines Owen Hatherley's Landscapes of Communism. The book describes the political legacies of the buildings and urban structures of the once communist cities of the former Soviet bloc. The author argues that communist cities, despite changing design styles over the decades, were built and designed to maintain......

At present, there are several erroneous ideological trends in China, mainly including individualism, historical nihilism and the ideal of ¡°universal value.¡±These trends have raised challenges in China's ideological sphere. Therefore, we must clearly recognize their forms, social impact and inherent logic, and reveal their political ......
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