马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.076秒)

Herbert Pimlott
While few analyses of leading cultural thinkers and scholars, such as Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall, consider their roles as socialist public intellectuals, engaged in the on-the-ground debates around party and/or movement strategy and tactics for the Left, such involvement can contribute to making their work more i......

Comprehending the nature of Mixed Ownership Economy shall neither be biased nor be confined to discussing its public or private ownership.Instead ,we shall deepen the knowledge of Marxist share-holding theory and lay detailed researches on its risk prevention and mechanism modification with its applicatio ncontinually expanded. Attention should......

Laurie Adkin
This paper situates the current political moment in Alberta, Canada, within a broader analysis of the global crisis of fossil capitalism. Alberta¡¯s political economy and ecology are deeply riven by the conflict between its heavy dependence for revenue and employment on the exportation of fossil fuels, on the one ha......

John M. Nunley, Adam Pugh, Nicholas Romero, R. Alan Seals*
The authors use data from a r¨¦sum¨¦ audit to estimate the impact of unemployment and underemployment on the employment prospects of recent college graduates. They find no statistical evidence linking unemployment spells of different durations to employment opportuniti......

Anup Dhar & Anjan Chakrabarti
This paper departs from the hegemonic notion of truth¡ªthe cognitive notion of truth¡ªand arrives at four other notions of truth in Marx, Gandhi, Heidegger, and Foucault. It puts the four to a possible dialogue. It argues that one can get a glimpse of the cusp of Marxism and spirituality in the ......

David Lane
Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
President Putin is widely portrayed as a threat to peace and to the international order; and Russian intervention in Ukraine and Crimea is often taken as a measure of this aggressive external policy. It is contended that aggression in international affairs has differen......
Jean-Claude Delaunay
University of Paris-East, Paris, France
The importance of Piketty¡¯s book is due to its ¡°social-democrat reformist¡± inspiration. People all around the world know that capitalism is not working well and that it is now facing catastrophe. But they do not yet have the will to change it. This is exact......

Boris Kagarlitsky
Institute for Globalization Studies and Social Movements, Moscow, Russia
This paper demonstrates that the international crisis in Ukraine is accompanied not just by a matching domestic Ukrainian crisis, but also one in Russia. Though the crisis in Ukraine is much more severe¡ªincluding a civil war¡ªthe two ......
    The work ofmasses is a bridge gapping the party and masses.The Communist Party of China has been placing much emphasis on thework of masses.The Communist Party of China with Mao Zedong as the representative has not only discussed the basicprinciple and requirement of the work of masses,but also pointed out the wrong views and practices that......
The theoretical consciousness and confidence is the one that we should have on Marxism andparticularly on the sinized Marxism by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. It is basedon social practice, integrating theory and practice. The theoretical consciousness of Marxism lies in thedistinction between Marxist and non-Marxist ideas. T......
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