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Cyb¨¨le Locke
This article examines the activities of the Freemans Bay Residents Welfare Association, which formed to promote residents¡¯ welfare and to retain the neighbourhood¡¯s integrity in the face of slum clearance during the 1950s and 1960s in Auckland, New Zealand. The Association¡¯s objective was: ¡®......

Jeremy Seabrook
It has been common to think that societies which become pathological and extreme are the responsibility of deranged leaders such as Hitler, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-Un or Saddam Hussein. In fact these are usually a reflection and symbol of deeper social disorders. This article considers the mental health of societies, and l......

A. Sivanandan
A. Sivanandan, director of the Institute of Race Relations for over thirty years and the Founding Editor of Race & Class, has died. We publish below an interview with him, which prefaced the second collection of his writings Communities of Resistance: writings on black struggles for socialism (Verso, 1990), and which has n......
Ashley J. Bohrer
This paper explores the links between international law, race and colonial capitalism through the Spanish and Portuguese Conquests of the Americas. Turning to the early modern philosophers of the School of Salamanca, Bohrer argues that economic theories of emergent capitalism are deeply intertwined with the racial theo......

Marx and Engels attached great importance to maintaining the purity of proletarian party. Although they did not systematically propose related theories, they have developed initial thoughts of maintaining the party's purity and brought forward primary design,institution,principles,samples,requirements,and direction for the purpose. As the world......

Darragh Power & Michael Phoenix
Researchers Darragh Power and Michael Phoenix first interviewed members of the Grangegorman Community Collective on Monday, 4 May 2015. Power has been involved with the group since, and they have recently been evicted from the site. This essay considers the potential for places like Grangegorman for bui......
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has given a series of important speeches on promoting the  integrated development of urban and rural China, with special stress on its significance, basic objectives and specific measures. He has also pointed out that in the process of this develop......

Alexey Golubev
This article examines architectural preservation in North Russia after World War II as a movement that treated local vernacular architecture as a key to understanding the authentic national history of Russia. It argues that Soviet architectural preservationists were driven by romantic nationalist ideas that sought to es......

Paramjit Singh
The financial crisis of 2008, followed by recession in the world economy, has again put a question mark on the stability of capitalist economic system. The ideological justification of capitalism in the name of freedom and wealth to the majority was questioned by reactionary ¡®occupy movements¡¯ throughout t......

Leo Panitch, Gregory Albo
This 53rd volume of the Socialist Register addresses the question of the meaning of revolution in the twenty-first century. Coming to terms with the legacy of 1917 is obviously one aspect of this. ¡®October¡¯ was a unique event that provided inspiration for millions of oppressed people, and also......
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