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Tyler Schuenemann
This article supplements the one-sided diet of spatial concepts, metaphors, and case studies used by scholars to feed our thinking on how everyday people become collective political agents. Drawing from interviews and ethnographic observations of a post-Hurricane Sandy relief effort, I highlight how people¡¯s un......
by Teodor Shanin and Nicola D¡¯Elia
Independent Researcher, London, UK
The reprint of Late Marx and the Russian Road on the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx¡¯s birth offers a valuable opportunity to discuss the impact of this path-breaking miscellaneous volume on Marx scholarship. The first aim of this paper is to highlight t......
Antonio Trinidad Requena, Rosa M. Soriano Miras & Francisco Barros Rodr¨ªguez
Companies in northern Morocco that export manufactured goods and services run on a production system characterized by high pressure, flexible use of labour, strict supervision and the challenging of certain labour rights. This article studies the conditio......
The development policy of¡°taking agriculture as the basis, industry as the leading factor, and arranging the national economy according to the order of agricultural importance¡±is an important part of Mao Ze-dong¡¯s economic thought. The general policy has long guided China¡¯s socialist economic practice and promoted the esta......

Adam Hanieh
What is it about the present moment that has propelled the issue of migration to the centre of political debate, and how should we respond to the emergence of Trumpism and other anti-migrant movements across the globe? For many, the answers to these questions are largely found at an ideological level, with the rise of a ne......

The year of 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. No matter how we evaluate and summarize the 40-year reform and opening up, adhering to the right direction and pathway of the reform and opening-up shall be our everlasting principles and guideline. In the course of reform and opening up, though we ever went through detours and ......
Paul Baumgardner
Intellectuals represent a class largely ignored in mainstream American political science, which limits the discipline’s ability to articulate the full range of challenges posed by our current populist moment. This essay returns to intellectuals as particularly relevant objects of study, both by reviving past work on i......
Zhang Yunfei
* Originally edited by Lin Hong and revised and by Sally Borthwick in China.
6¥9 The work of Zhang Yunfei on Ecology and Marxism spans by now about four decades. This is an attempt to acquaint readers with this important Marxist figure, whose work has been largely overlooked in Anglophone Marxism. What follows below is a s......

Erika Carter Grosso
In what ways do Cubans capitalize on inequalities created by globalization in order to advance socially and economically within a socialist system? What roles do migration and social reproduction play in the daily lives of Cubans at home and abroad, and how do these strategies advance the cause of the global capita......
Adalmir Antonio Marquetti, Henrique Morrone, 
Alessandro Miebach, Luiz Eduardo Ourique
A debate in Marxist literature concerns the methodology for measuring the profit rate. This paper investigates this question computing the rate of profit at historical cost, current cost, constant prices, and constant GDP price for Brazil in the 1955¨......
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