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The most fundamental feature in the one hundred years of the Communist Party of China has been the successful establishment of the practice of combining the universal truth of Marxism with China¡¯s specific reality. This has been instrumental in promoting the sinicization of Marxism and Marxist philosophy, enabling scholars to consciously app......
Ideological work is an extremely important work of the Party. Firmly maintaining national ideological security is an important part of building a socialist ideology with strong cohesive force and leading power in the new era, which is related to the Party’s ruling status and security, and to the national security and survival of the nation. A hier......
The digital economy has penetrated into all aspects of production and life, and the attribute of data as a factor of production has been widely recognized. The process of data items being ¡°used¡± is the process of the evolution of its value-form, as well as the process of its value proliferation and capitalization. The platform is not only......
ABSTRACTThis article discusses digitalization and its connection with the political economy of transformation. Its point of departure is Karl Polanyi's historical analysis as presented in The Great Transformation. Polanyi analyzed the development of ¡°self-regulating¡± markets¡ªwith transformative and destructive consequences for indi......
It is the CPC¡¯s fine tradition to attach great importance to and be good at summing up historical experience and transform good practices into scientific theories. Clarifying the development process of style construction and passing on the fine style are the enduring needs of forging party spirit and tenet consciousness and ensuring the puri......
The superior discourse system of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is an expression system with different elements and different aspects. It not only includes many concepts, propositions, and assertions, but also forms a variety of discourse forms based on different expressive functions. According to the different functions and stag......
Jointly building a community with shared future for mankind is a realistic requirement and the only choice related to thesurvival and development of mankind. The accomplishment of building a community with shared future for mankind is a general trend of historical development and it is historically inevitable. But the goal cannot be achieved overni......
Abstract: This article is the first part of ¡°A General Theory of Value and Money¡± and sets out the foundations of an axiomatic theory of value and money. Its purpose is to equip the public to explain the four facts that define the modern capitalist economy: the long-term post-war decline of the economies of the global North, the financial......
The ideological basis of historical nihilism is historical idealism, value nihilism, which dilutes the mainstream with tributaries, replaces the subject with branches, cuts off the main line of history, separates the logic of history, and promotes the phenomenal and representational view of history. The slander of historical nihilist on Marxism are......
ABSTRACTLenin’s theories and tactics are specific to the early twentieth century and cannot be repeated. His project should be considered in terms of its methodology, its understanding of capitalism, the political agency of the working class and the geo-political structures of economic and political power. Lenin combined political economy, geo-pol......
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