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The development of the international communist movements and world socialism in 2021 consists of the following major events: First, the Communist Party of China has solemnly celebrated its centennial anniversary, and the brilliant achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics have won the appreciation of all countries in the world; second,......
Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy is an early work on political economy written by Engels independently, which contains the key elements for the establishment of historical materialism. It was Engels¡¯s profound revelation and criticism of the economic facts of capitalist society in the Outlines that prompted Marx, who was in the pr......
This article draws on Gramsci’s theory of passive revolution to explore the second tenure of Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzō from 2012 to 2020. It sees the high degree of political stability that Abe achieved as a contrast to the preceding two decades of Japanese politics and asks what accounts for Abe’s success in restoring Liberal ......
Xi Jinping’s speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC put forward many new ideas and perspectives, and the five new theses which embody characteristic connotations are particularly unique. As important enrichment and advancement of Xi Jin-ping socialist thought with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the “theme” of achieving the......
Iderley Colombini
The conception of financialization and the impacts of the oil market will be presented in this work from an alternative perspective. Financialization will not be analyzed as a dominance of finance over industry, as if these two sides of the productive process were dissociated. Financialization will be understood as a m......
The development of Marxism of contemporary China and Marxism in the 21st century is both a significant scientific argument and a big topic. The historic intersection of the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century and the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation makes the development of both......
The “two establishing” put forward by the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the form of a resolution of the Party has profound connotations and meanings, and it is the fundamental theme and primary task of the Party’s political construction in the new era. This is the inevitable result of the ......
The resolution which adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19 th Central Committee of the CPC, takes following the Chinese path as one of the historical experience from the Party¡¯ s endeavors over the past century. The reason why Chinese path can be regarded as CPC¡¯s historical experience is determined by the importance and the ......
The National Conference on work related to religious affairs in 2021 put forward “the Party’s theory of work related to religious affairs in the new era” and the requirement of “comprehensively implementing the Party’s theory of work related to religious affairs in the new era.” To seriously study and comprehensively implement the Party’s th......
 Jiang Hui...
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