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  Wang Weiguang, Ph.D., Executive Vice-president and Research Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

  His academic interests consist of Marxist theory and philosophy and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 

  He has published more than 30 academic books, including Selected Lectures of Wang Weiguang ......
Class and Class Consciousness in Marxist Theory
Andrew Milner
The Working Class and the Middle Classes in the Greek Economic Crisis: Allies in a Common Anti-Neoliberal Strategy?
George Economakis and John Milios
Dispossessions in Historical Capitalism: Expan......

Has Capitalism Defeated Socialism Yet?—Kornai’s Turnaround on Liberalism, and the Evaporation of Myths about Eastern Europe
Chen Ping
Venezuela: Building a Socialist Communal Economy?
Helen Yaffe
Giorgio Agamben’s “Cenobitic Communism” and the Lim......
Volume  11   Number  4   December  2021 
The Great Contribution of the CPC to the World Socialist Movement over the Past Hundred Years
Hui Jiang
The Crucial Role of Domenico Losurdo in the Historical, Political and Philos......
  CONTENTS  Editorial   Enfu Cheng  Articles  Marxian Political Economy: Legacy and Renewal   G閞ard Dum閚il and Dominique L関y  Capitalism: Some Theoretical Reconsiderations  David Laibman  Uneven Development of the World Economy: from Krugman to Lenin   Hiroshi Ohnishi  The Economics of Crisis and the Crisis of Economics as ......
    Contents  Symposium: The Transnational Working Class and Global Working Class Strategies  Global Monopolies and the Transnational Capitalist Class  Jerry Harris  Crisis, the emerging new stage of capitalism, and the need ofa transnational class strategy for social emancipation  George Liodakis  The condition of the working class......
    Contents  Editors’ Note  Search for a road to ‘another world’  Articles  Fundamental elements of the China model  Cheng Enfu and Xin Xiangyang  Reflections on the “China model” discussion  Pan Wei  The Second great transformation: Towards a solidarity society  Michael Brie & Dieter Klein  Inclusive thought for the t......
  CONTENTS  Articles  Over-Investment and the Economic Crisis of 2008   David M. Kotz  The Ongoing World Crisis as Already Explained by Capital in 1868 and Imperialism in 1917   Hiroshi Onishi  Value and Crisis Theory in the 揋reat Recession?  Radhika Desai and Alan Freeman  Organic Crisis and Capitalist Transformation   Mario C......

To the 150th Anniversary Birth of V. I. Lenin 
Neo-imperialism, the Final Stage of Imperialism
Bin Yu
Creating the Impossible: Lenin¡¯s Legacy
Alexander Buzgalin
V. I. Lenin on Democracy 
Joe Pateman 
The Economic and Political Consequences of t......

The Chinese Dream, the American Dream and the World Dream: Interview with Researcher Deng Chundong
Deng Chundong and Chen Zhigang
Comparing the Chinese Dream with the American Dream
David S. Pena
Restore the Truth: Traditional Chinese Law an......
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