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Chitrangada Choudhury & Aniket Aga
This article traces how substantive decision-making power over extractive projects is denied to India¡¯s indigenous and forest-dwelling communities, even as they have clinched rights to ownership and consent under the landmark Forest Rights Act of 2006. By examining the consent mechanism provid......
     Marx, starting from the basic principles of historical materialism and through his critique of the premises of ideology, fully revealed the instrumental and hypocritical nature of bourgeois ideology and finally came to the scientific conclusion that capitalism was bound to perish. The present world is still capitalist-dominated, and the bour......
Richard Hogan, Carolyn Cummings Perrucci
Radical and mainstream social scientists still speak of the effect of President Ronald Reagan¡¯s administration on the welfare state and the legacy of Great Society and Equal Opportunity programs, but, as indicated in a search of the American Sociological Review and Critical Sociology, the......
James M. Craven
Independent Scholar, Vancouver, USA
This paper discusses the imperative for Marxist Theory¡û¡úPraxis to develop and respond to/counter ongoing even urgent imperial efforts to develop scientific approaches to the study of the nature and evolution of human consciousness, cognition, learning, perception, suscepti......
Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro
Specifically materialist variants of dialectics, as advanced mainly within Marxist intellectual currents, have rarely touched on the biophysical sciences, where dialectical approaches made little impact. The focus of this work is to start developing a materialist dialectical approach appropriate to the study of......

Tom G. Griffiths
Following the popular triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, and declaration of its socialist character in 1961, a form of Cuban socialism has been in power. The historical trajectory of Cuban socialism in power has moved through periods of fierce independence and debate about a particular Cuban model of socialism, ......

The socialist planned economy system is a scientific choice made by the CPC represented by Comrade Mao Ze-dong under the guidance of Marxism and in accordance with China¡¯s national conditions.In the period of socialist planned economy, the CPC led the Chinese people to establish a socialist system, an independent and relatively complete m......

Lisa Adkins, Matti Kortesoja, Mona Mannevuo, Hanna Yl0‹2stalo
This article is concerned with price and pricing in the context of finance led neoliberal reform. It considers the sentiment often encountered in accounts of such reform that price instability is the outcome of the retreat of the state from the regulation of price and ......
Christopher Gunderson
The 1994 Zapatista uprising was not the first indigenous revolt in the territory known today as Chiapas, Mexico. Adopting insights from Cox and Nilsen and examining the history of three indigenous revolts in Chiapas within the framework of Arrighi¡¯s ¡°Systemic Cycles of Accumulation¡± (SCAs), this study......

Elmo Gonzaga
The memory of loss in Asia's leading global cities has been shaped by recurrent projects of urban renewal, which have sought to deliver economic prosperity and social order at the expense of longstanding spaces and practices. Singapore's Golden Jubilee in 2015, which commemorated its triumphant postcolonial development, was......
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