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There has been a significant revival of interest among the radical left in “big picture” questions of socialist strategy that, as Mark L Thomas has pointed out, represents a return to “important debates of the left largely absent over the last three decades”.1 It is not difficult to identify the major factors driving this. Several years of deep......
  [FRED MAGDOFF is professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the University of Vermont. JOHN BELLAMY FOSTER is editor of Monthly Review and professor of sociology at University of Oregon. They are the coauthors of The Great Financial Crisis (2009) and What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism (2011)—both published by Month......
This paper discussed the great contributionof the historical thought in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics to the development of contemporary Chinese historical theories,and described the necessity and importance studying the contemporary historicaltheories based on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinesecharac......

The scientific atheism that we are going to build is guided by Marxism and based on the theory of Marxism.The differentiation of scientific research is achieved according to the specific contradictoriness of the object under study.To advance a disciplinary construction, we need to stick to the law of the u......

Anirban Karak
I have argued elsewhere that the formation of the English Premier League (EPL) can be interpreted as an instance of accumulation by dispossession. This paper complements that analysis by arguing that the theory of ¡°Social Structures of Accumulation¡± can also be used to locate the formation of the EPL within the ......

Zofia 0‘9apniewska
The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of (re)constitution of urban commons by actors involved in action situations. What follows is a description of the way in which these actors are organized and (re)claim urban space, asserting their rights to the city, in relation to the introduced framework. ......

Alexander Buzgalin , Andrey Kolganov and Olga Barashkova
Department of Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The authors employ modern Marxist methodology and theory to analyse imperialism and so-called ¡°empires,¡± making it possible to reveal the mechanisms through which t......
As the latest accomplishment in Marxism localization in view of the development of global industrial revolution,thoughts on national governance and political administration including the “Five Concepts” by the Party Central Committee led by Xi Jinping,General Secretary of CPC since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, are considered as “Marx......

     Embodying its ethnic features and reflecting its nation ¡¯s cultural pursuit, Chinese traditional cultures boast of a long history and bear eternal epochal values. Developing from Marxism on cultures and Mao ¡¯s thoughts of cultures, and standing on the height of the era, Xi ¡¯s thoughts on traditional cultures inherit gen......

     Fundamental economic institution is the total of social production relations, namely the economic basis which is the determining factor for defining social property.Due to the relatively low and unbalanced development of productivity and the economic rule that social production relations must match its productivity, China¡¯s fundament......
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