马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.671秒)
    There must be a “backbone” of one’s own, or a guiding theoryfor work, which has been emphasized all the time by the Communist Party of China.Three characteristics are found in thetheoretical innovations of the Communist Party of China since the reform and openning-up to outside world:first,newknowledge or view is gradually formed accordi......
The relationship betweenscientific socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics is that theformer guides the latter, rather than the opposite. Therefore, we shouldextract and purify basic principles of scientific socialism on the basis ofscientific socialism raised by the founders of Marxism instead of the empiricalneeds of socialism with C......
 MaoZedong made great contribution to the great cause of China¡¯s new-democraticrevolution, socialist revolution and socialist construction, as well as to theexploration of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. Mao Zedongthought is the creative application and development of Marxism-Leninism inChina, and the embodiment, enrichme......
Wemust adhere firmly to and improve the basic economic system of our country atthe present stage£®This is a matter closely related to the fate ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics£®It is alsorelated to the longterm development of labor force in our country£¬thegradual realization of common prosperity ,and the protection, prese......

Rob Ferguson
Zionists and several prominent figures in the witch-hunt against Corbyn and the left. My point is that, notwithstanding this, the letter points to fractures beginning to open up, particularly among young Jews. The left, therefore, cannot only address the question of antisemitism through the lens of the Zionism vs anti-Zio......

Barbora 0Œ9ernu0”80†9kov¨¢
Roma in the Czech Republic (as in a number of other European countries) are, in the public imagination, ¡®social parasites¡¯ who do not work, are not interested in working and opt for life on benefits instead. This article, based on ethnographic research in the city of Ostr......

Cultures are vital components of social organism and play a considerably dynamic role.Marx and Engles evaluated the social functions of cultures in an all-round way. They not only validated the favorable side of cultures on society, but also uncovered the downside of capitalist social cultures on proletariats and working class.The mechanism for ......

Historical nihilism is a bourgeois political trend of thought that opposes socialism.In the process of great social transformation,it goes against the new and defends the old. It completely denies every choice on the route of development for Chinese society made by the Communist Party of China at each stage,and advocates complete westernizati......

There are still some questions to be clarified and further explained in the research on Engels'theory of historical resultant force,of which some remain controversial,while others require further excavation and delibertation.Based on the historical and theoretical background of the theory and taking account of the consistency in Engels' ideas,......

Anup Dhar, Anjan Chakrabarti & Serap Kayatekin
This conversation with the fourteenth Dalai Lama¡ªthe spiritual-political inspiration of the displaced Tibetan community¡ªrevolves around questions of why a practitioner of the Buddha Dharma would like to call himself Marxist, and also his views on the violence of both Marxist p......
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