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     Great achievements in agriculture have been gained since China’s 40-year reform in rural areas. Nevertheless, the new problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers arise against the background of industrialization, marketization and urbanization despite substantial raise in peasants’ income. Tangyue village of Anshun City in Guizh......
  Socialism with Chinese characteristics is never part of so-called“democratic socialism”,but falls into the category of scientific socialism. The continuous and essential uniformity between socialism with Chinese characteristics and scientific socialism lies in the basic theories and principles of scientific socialism which is the most direct......

Thomas Lamarche, Catherine Bodet
We argue that corporate social responsibility depends on two distinct stylized facts concerning r¨¦gulation and power. The first¡ªinstitutional CSR¡ªis institutional in nature, the other¡ªstrategic CSR¡ªis economic and productive. The former permits and stabilizes the latte......

The proposition of socialist market economy includes two major theoretical issues: whether socialism could work with market economy and whether socialism could be consistent with the operating mechanism of market economy. The former has been solved by the contribution of Deng Xiao-ping¡¯s ideology on socialist market economy, while the l......

The essence and import of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a wholly new and significant subject proposed by Xi Jin-ping. According Xi's series of speeches and new concepts, ideologies and strategies concerning national governance and political administration,the essence and import include the historical necessity, scientific tenth, mark......

G. Carchedi
A fundamental tenet of Marx¡¯s theory of history and revolution is the contradiction between labour¡¯s productive forces and the capitalist production relation. ¡®At a certain stage of development the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production ¡­......

Slavoj Zizek
Giorgio Agamben said in an interview that ‘thought is the courage of hopelessness’ – an insight which is especially pertinent for our historical moment, when even the most pessimistic diagnostics as a rule finish with an uplifting hint at some version of the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. The true courage......

Sharryn Kasmir
Cooperatives play an important role in the imagination of the left for their purported potential to democratize the workplace, nurture non-capitalist social relations in the interstices of capitalism, and anchor social or solidarity economies. They are seen, as well, as levers for a soft transition to socialism, ¡®......

A. Naomi Paik
This article focuses on the histories, current challenges, and future directions of the sanctuary movement in the United States, which is becoming a central front of resistance to the administration of Donald Trump. The article is comprised of three main components. It discusses the history of the US sanctuary movement......

Ann E. Davis
The capitalist system is based on property rules, which are the same for all forms of property. Yet these rules operate differently for capital and labor as distinct forms of property. This paradox obscures the role of living labor as the source of surplus value, and hence mystifies money as self-expanding value. This ¡°......
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