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It will be the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in 2017.The Communist Party of Russian Federation(CPRF) began to prepare its commemorative activities two years ago,seeing it as ¡°a golden opportunity to recall the significance of the revolution, to praise the achievements of the socialist system and to mobilize forces to fight for ......

Maarten de Kadt
Comparing Piketty¡¯s inequality generating mechanism (r>g) to Marx¡¯s circuits of capital underscores a central difference: Marx wanted to replace capitalism while Piketty merely wants to fix it by taxing the rich. Piketty¡¯s discussion of slavery reifies human chattel¡¯s role in economic histor......

Niamh Mulcahy
The relationship between the working class and consumer culture is undoubtedly contentious and often held as problematic in Marxist critical theory, owing to the exploitative nature of the mass production that facilitates consumption. Consequently, consumption sometimes appears as a distraction from the inequality perpetua......

Stephen R Hurt
This article addresses the question of ¡®the left¡¯ in contemporary South Africa in two senses: first, in terms of assessing the health of leftist politics; second, it asks to what extent are the self-identified left progressive in any meaningful sense. The first half of this article reflects on the current ......

Antonia Von Der Behrens
The neo-Nazi terrorist organisation, the National Socialist Underground (NSU), committed ten murders, three bomb attacks and fifteen bank robberies between 1998 and 2011. The group, which did not claim responsibility for the crimes, was not discovered by police until 4 November 2011. This case has been called o......
Elizabeth Cotton
Taking as its starting point the decline of ideological and class identifications in the United Kingdom, this article presents the case for reviving a model of emancipatory education to develop solidaristic relationships at work. The central argument of this article is that emancipatory education methods offer useful t......


Nonprofit organizational sustainability is increasingly framed in terms of fiscal expediency. This framing of sustainability has led nonprofit organizations to increasingly adopt for-profit innovations, at times at the expense of core organizational values or nonprofit mission. Drawing on ethnographic field methods and semi-structur......


This critical review proposes that Lacan¡¯s concept of alienation has little relevance to Marx¡¯s notion of estrangement of labor and in fact depoliticizes it. Proceeding from a position that is not unsympathetic to poststructuralist theory, the author finds fault with Lacanian structuralism and particularly enlisting the......

The basic context for Marxism in modern China includes three aspects:the historical records, prospect, and ideological enlightenment of Marxism in origin. In retrospect, we could find out that the CPC carried on history, led social ideological trends by socialist values, and foregrounded the confidence of leadership through the confidence of the......

Yiorgos Moraitis
Beginning with a critical assessment of David Harvey¡¯s perspectives on Marxism this paper examines current developments in dialectical materialism that offer alternative possibilities for class-based movements struggling to overcome neoliberal policies around the world. My objective is to show that, despite his s......
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