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LEADERS of the Brics group of developing countries rejected US and EU sanctions on other countries as their virtual summit opened today.
Chinese media said that next week’s G7 and Nato summits would “intensify existing tensions” while trying to “preserve the US-dominated global order” and it was important that the Brics were able to present ......

“Post-Pandemic” for many countries, especially western countries, is a dream. The west will have to wake up fast, if it doesn’t want to fall prey to a destructive plan of chaos, unemployment, bankruptcies, and, yes, famine – shifting of capital from the bottom and the middle to the top – and leaving misery at the bottom.
Not so for China.......
    People want to know where the economy is headed.  What they should be asking is does the US still have an economy?  My answer is no, it doesn’t.  I will explain why.
    For a quarter century I have pointed out the destructive effect of moving American investment and jobs to China and other points abroad.  Offshoring served the interests of ......
    “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.” Carroll  Quigley (1910-1977), American historian, 1966.
    “There are no nations. There are no pe......
“No one makes a billion dollars. You TAKE a billion dollars. You take it from your workers…you plunder it from the environment…you strip it using patents/protections” 
Rent-seekers: Who gets the Free Lunch? 
    Many writers have noted that capitalism concentrates wealth and power into a small number of hands. Up until approximately 1890, eco......

The US national debt on the verge of surpassing the economy
    The debt-to-GDP ratio has emerged as a vital metric for determining economic prospects for a given country. Most countries usually strive to put in place measures to keep their ratio as low as possible.
    Data presented by Buy Shares indicates that among the top ten countries with......

     According to Labor Department figures, over 47 million US workers filed for unemployment benefits.
     The true number is likely much higher as countless numbers of unemployed US workers haven’t been able to file so far — many more to come as layoffs continue.
     For 14 straight weeks, over a million Americans filed jobless claims, ref......
As stock markets continue to rise—Wall Street’s Dow Jones index hit a new record high yesterday following the US Senate’s passage of a massive tax cut bill—there are growing warnings that a new financial crisis is in the making.
In its quarterly review of financial conditions, issued on Sunday, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), so......

The American Century, so triumphantly proclaimed in a 1941 Life magazine editorial by US establishment insider Henry Luce, was built on the control of oil and on an endless succession of wars for that control of global oil. Now, ironically, with the illegal and unilateral cancellation of the Iranian nuclear agreement by the US President, oil may......
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is commemorated every year on March 21, the day in 1960 when police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire on a peaceful rally opposing apartheid¡¯s ¡°pass laws,¡± killing 69 people.
Heinz Bierbaum, President of the Party of the European Left, highlights the impor......
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