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  If we are to build support for an alternative to capitalism we need clarity on the causes and consequences of the contemporary capitalist drive for greater liberalization and privatization, as well as the benefits from and limits to state direction of capitalist economic activity. Although a small country, Iceland’s recent experience has much ......
    [Michael Heinrich teaches economics in Berlin and is the author of An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital (Monthly Review Press, 2012) and The Science of Value: Marx’s Critique of Political Economy Between Scientific Revolution and Classical Tradition (Brill, translation forthcoming in 2014). This is an abridgment of ......
0„2International Critical Thought...
http://english.cssn.cn/ 2023年12月22日10时47分00秒

Ideological discourse power highly reflects national soft power. It is the core of national interests to master ideological discourse power in international competition. As its reform and opening up goes further,China is increasing integrated into the rest of the world and has more and more exchanges and cooperation with the western countries.Th......
    Practical standpoints of Marxism think, the subjective practice of the masses are the source of historicalprogress,creates the diversified material and spiritual world, and is the fundamental driving force to promote the social andhistorical change and individual all-round development.The Party’s mass line is the great pioneering to the pr......

Socialist political economics with Chinese characteristics is the accomplishment of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist political economics, forming a source-and-course relationship between them.To construct socialist political economics with Chinese characteristics,we shall distinguish the fundamental principles of socialism in Marxi......

The so-called “Marx rejecting justice” perspective, resulting from the “Tucker-Wood” proposition, has become popular among schools of Marxism both at home and abroad. The perspective leads to theoretical awkwardness and practical confusion in studies of Marxist justice and the socialist undertaking of maintaining justice and fairness. Hence,......
    Since the introduction of the household contract responsibility system, we haveimplemented unified and separate family-run rural collective economy in our country. The integration is not only the way ofChina’s agricultural business,but also the support methods of the construction of rural grassroots political power and socialconstruction, ......

David Barkin, Blanca Lemus
In the context of great diversity and profound social inequalities, environmental injustice prevails. Conflicts between institutions promoting economic development (i.e., growth) and ecologists and civil society are rampant. This paper introduces alternatives emerging from groups, whose organizations are shape......
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