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The US strike against Syria, launched on Friday with the complicity of the UK and France, was a war crime executed in service to foreign policy objectives that run counter to US interests. As the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the UN chemical weapons watchdog, begins its fact-finding mission in Douma, journalists on......

On February 21, a notice was released in Turkey¡¯s Official Gazette (Resmi Gazete) stating that bids will be collected for Turkey¡¯s state-owned fourteen sugar plants. According to Directorate of Privatization Administration¡¯s (OIB) announcement, sugar plants in the provinces of Afyon, Alpullu, Bor, Burdur, 0‡5orum, El......

According to a report published Wednesday by the Institute for Policy Studies, the three richest Americans—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett—now own more wealth than the poorest half of the US population, some 160 million people.
America’s “60 families,” whose massive wealth was documented in journalist Ferdinand Lundberg’s 1937 e......

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The same might apply to a graph. One such case is a striking graphic, published in the Financial Times this week, showing a downturn in the wealth of the world’s top-ten billionaires in the financial crisis of 2008, and then roaring back, at an even greater rate than in the past, to reach new......

Life expectancy for Americans has stalled and reversed in recent years, ending decades of improvement. According to a new Bloomberg study, this grim reality has an upside for US corporations, saving them billions in pension and other retirement obligations owed to workers who are dying at younger ages.
In 2015, the American death rate rose sligh......

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met for more than two hours Friday on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, amid the growing threat of a military clash between the world’s two biggest nuclear powers, whether in Syria or Eastern Europe. After the meeting, which lasted far longer than the half-hour that had be......

The World Socialist Web Site spoke with workers and young people who attended the Pittsburgh rally against the cuts to health care being pushed by the Trump administration. About 2,000 people attended the rally held Saturday evening organized by moveon.org and featuring Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as the main speaker.
Sergei, 25, a student an......

    While it remains very likely that the US Federal Reserve will lift its base interest rate by a further 0.25 percentage points when it meets later this month, there is growing uncertainty about where monetary policy might be headed after that.
    The Fed’s agenda is to return to a more “normalised” policy after almost nine years of ultr......

    South Korea’s National Assembly yesterday voted to impeach President Park Geun-hye, the first step in her removal from office. The vote of 234 to 56 in the 300-member Assembly was well over the necessary two-thirds required and indicated that significant sections of Park’s own right-wing Saenuri Party supported the impeachment.

    Global stock markets formally entered a bear market Wednesday, as the MSCI All-Country World Index fell by 1.3 percent, with the index down 20 percent from its high last May. Yesterday, after further losses in Asia, European markets closed down, with the German DAX falling by nearly 5 percent, the Spanish IBEX down by nearly 5 percent, and t......
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