马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时2.049秒)
The important experience out of the century-old CPC¡¯s growing from a weak party to a strong one, overcoming numerous hardships, and constantly moving towards glory lies in its strengthening party construction, overcoming corruption with frugality, and maintaining the vitality of the Party as well as the vigorous revolutionary morale of its m......
The major achievements over the past century created by the CPC have profound historical logic. The strong confidence in history is the source of strength,0„2the sacred sense of historical mission is the internal driving force,0„2and the courage to grasp the historical initiative is the unique advantage. The strong confidence in histo......
The concept of a community with shared future for mankind is the Chinese wisdom and Chinese solution that China contributes to the improvement of global governance, which has been supported and recognized by more and more countries and international organizations. At present, the developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America gener......
ABSTRACTThis dialogue begins with the question of “concrete Marxism,” which is at the foundations of “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” The concrete is analysed in terms of Marx’s dialectic between freedom and necessity, as also in Marx’s early work on Epicurean materialism and in Engels’s “Dialectics of Nature” and “Anti-Dühring.......
The Central Committee of the PCTE, meeting on September 8th, 2023, assessed the situation of the International Communist Movement, the discussions taking place as a result of the imperialist war in Ukraine, and the attacks being made against brother communist and workers¡¯0„2parties.0„2In view of the evolution of developments, w......
Wage0„2labour is a distinctive feature of capitalism but not necessarily all wage labour can be considered as ¡®free labour¡¯, neither is it true that capitalism is inimical to unfree labour. Marx sarcastically mentioned that a worker is doubly free in the sense s/he is free to sell labour power as her/his own commodity and also ......
The first three were the direct result of US intelligence agencies’ anti-Russian information warfare campaign and attendant political weaponization of the false perceptions that were instilled in the minds of the European elite. The last two then built upon the preceding progress to geostrategically re-engineer the continent via a clever divide-an......
Protests in Iran continued to escalate. 
The protests in Iran began on September 17 when Mahsa Amini, 22, was arrested for not wearing a headscarf, and then the woman died. This protest has become the biggest challenge to Iran’s clerical leaders in years. Protesters demand the overthrow of the religious supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei. 
The ......
Washington exerts more control over the Kiev regime, establishing its own military command, increasing the presence of numerous foreign-backed NGOs, as well as sending US corporate advisers and representatives.
Ukraine was never seen as a particularly sovereign country. However, in 2014 any semblance of independence was lost for good when the pol......
NANCY PELOSI’S recklessly provocative visit to the breakaway Chinese province of Taiwan will have far-reaching consequences for Sino-US relations going forward.
That one aged US senator and senior Washington functionary believes that the road to stability and peace in East Asia will be served by triggering an international incident is a metric o......
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