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Chinese premier Li Qiang said today that his country intends to be “an anchor for world peace.” Speaking to the annual Boao Forum for Asia, held on the Chinese island of Hainan, Mr Li said: “In this uncertain world, the certainty China offers is an anchor for world peace and development. “This was the case in the past and will remain s......
NATO has been tightening the noose around our borders for many years. History ordained that Russia protect the sovereignty and security of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, liberate the fraternal Ukrainian people from the Nazi-Bandera junta.In response to our desire to put a barrier in the way of the West’s aggressive plans its masters ......
In July 2020, a group of us joined together to create the No Cold War platform (nocoldwar.org). We drafted a statement with a strong title: A New Cold War against China is against the interests of humanity. The statement reads: “We note the increasingly aggressive statements and actions being taken by the US government in regard to China. These......
The 22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers¡¯ Parties held on October 27-29, 2022 in Havana, Cuba. Defined the main guidelines and actions to be developed ahead of the next Meeting.0„2The action plan is divided into the following parts:0„2Solidarity with people all over the world in their struggle against aggression ......
COMMUNISTS all over the world are looking to Beijing this week. There, thousands of delegates and observers have gathered for the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
A Party congress is the most important event in the life of any communist party. The 20th National Congress will chart the course of the People¡¯s Republic of ......
So far, I have emphasized the importance of revolutionary ecosocialism or ecological Marxism in the conception of ecological civilization. It is no accident that the notion of ecological civilization first appeared in the 1980s in the Soviet Union and that it is being implemented as a guiding principle and central project in China, while it is scar......
LU0ˆ1Z In¨¢cio Lula da Silva (known as Lula) runs about the stage. He is a man with a great deal of energy. He is telling the story of his time in Iran, when he tried to mediate the conflict imposed on that country by the United States over its nuclear energy policy. Lula, and his foreign affairs minister Celso Amorim, had managed to sec......
As the saying goes, if you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The West has the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato), a self-declared “defensive” military alliance – so any country that refuses its dictates must, by definition, be an offensive military threat. 
That is part of the reason why Nato issued a new “strategic ......
Meng Wanzhou, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Chinese tech company Huawei, has been released from detention after being held illegally in Canada for over 1000 days. Meng was arrested in late 2018 in Vancouver after being accused of violating US sanctions on Iran, which were not supported by the United Nations Security Council. The decision to keep......
“Solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong!” sang the young comrades attending the 2021 Little Red Schoolhouse in New York City at a rally in support of striking Alabama mine workers last Wednesday. The school was hosted by the CPUSA NY District and Chelsea Education Fund.
Forty-seven young Communists representing CPUSA districts and ......
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