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Financial capital is the real factor that dominates the production relations of the Western bourgeoisie. The accumulation of financial capital not only prepares the potential objective conditions for socialism, but also creates the subjective class conditions for socialism to overthrow financial capitalism. The rule of the financial capital empire ......
The essential characteristic of Marx and Engels’ s ideological theory is critical, but it contains the negation of affirmation, transformation and outlet and its purport is to obtain the “truth” from breaking the “illusion”, so as to imply the dimension of construction in the critique. Specifically, Marx and Engels’ s ideological critique is ......
Abstract: It was widely assumed in the West following the collapse of European socialism that China would undergo a similar process of counter-revolution. This article seeks to understand why, three decades later, this hasn¡¯t happened, and whether it is likely to happen in the foreseeable future. The article contrasts China¡¯s ¡°re......
Abstract: This book review presents and critically evaluates core issues raised in the recently published book titled: Classical Political Economics and Modern Capitalism: Theories of Value, Competition, Trade and Long Cycles coauthored by Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Persefoni Tsaliki. The book under review is one of the very few efforts to comprehensi......
There are various civilizations created by mankind which includes civilizations under different social forms such as slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, and socialist society; there are civilizations of different countries and nations. Human civilization develops and progresses in the advancement of history. The civilizations of diff......

In April 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the thematic education work conference for learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and put forward clear requirements for making greater efforts to carry out investigation and research. In order to effectively ......
Special Issue: The 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution
The October Revolution£ºA New Epoch in the World History
Li Shenming
One Hundred Years after the Russian Revolution: Looking Back and Looking Forward 
David M. Kotz
The Historical C......
 Contents Interview The Rise ofChina and World Order: An Interview with F. William EngdahlF.William Engdahl & Wang Zhen Articles AgainstPost-Marxism: How Post-Marxism Annuls Class-Based Historicism and thePossibility of Revolutionary PraxisTonyMcKenna Towards a Pluraland Polycentric World of Self-Organising Actors¡ªElinor Os......
CONTENTS ·Special Contribution·Marxist Religious Studies Must Stick to anAtheistic Standpoint - In Commemoration of the Fifty Anniversary of MaoZedong’s Instruction on Reinforcing the Study of Religious Issues    Tian Xinming ·Interview·Consumption Demands of 1.3 Billion People: TheInexhaustible “Gold Mine” for Development - A......
 ·SpecialContributions·ScientificallyUnderstanding and Positively Developing Mixed Ownership Economy - A Dialogueabout Reforming and Strengthening State-Owned Enterprises   Xiang Qiyuan and He Ganqiang(5) ·Interview·SocialSystem Engineering is the New Development of Dialectics - An Interview withHuang Shunji, Professor of Renm......
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