美国研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有15037项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.291秒)
季刊第16卷2002年第2期6月5日出版 “9·11”事件与美国保守主义郝雨凡(7) 从“双重遏制”到“双重规制”王传剑 (31) ——战后美韩军事同盟的历史考察 美国对日本经济复兴政策的演变邓峰 (47) 美国政治中的媒体与国会选举孙哲沈国麟 (64) 环境问题与美国国家安全战略薄燕 (79)...
POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF INTEREST GROUPS IN THE UNITED STATES Li Shouqi(28) Interest groups are highly developed in the United States. Reasons can be found in the competitive nature and rapid development of U.S. society, and also in its pluralistic political system. Political participation on the part of interest groups provides a democratic an......
WHERE IS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY HEADING FOR Song Jiuguang(41) To get adapted to the post-Cold-War world situation, American national security strategy has undergone requisite readjustments. Nevertheless, they are mostly shifts of policy priorities rather than changes of the fundamental framework of the strategy. This means that the conti......
CONTINUITY AND CHANGE OF THE U.S. PARTY SYSTEM Shi Fengyan(27) This essay is an introduction to the Chinese translation of Clinton Rossiter's Parties and Politics in America. It describes the continuity and change of the political party system in the United States in the 30 years since Rossiter's book was published, with particular emphasis on th......
CELLER-KEFAUVER ACT AND AMERICAN CORPORATION MERGER Zhan Baohong(104) The Celler-Kefauver act is an important law among antitrust acts which deals mainly with problems of American corporation merger. The act has exercised significant influence upon the forms and trends of postwar American corporation merger and economic structures....
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