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ASEAN, for China, is the focal point for Chinese diplomacy with Southeast Asian countries. Beyond ASEAN, China’s overall relations with Russia, Central Asia and most South Asian countries are relatively stable. It is, however, China’s bilateral relationships with some individual ASEAN countries, and Japan, that have experienced problems for almos......
Time for America to look within By Yuan Zheng (China Daily) Updated: 2010-09-08 07:28 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2010-09/08/content_11271507.htm On Aug 31, US President Barack Obama announced the formal end to America's seven years of combat mission in Iraq, saying Washington had fulfilled its responsibility and "now it is time to turn th......
Online Forums: Creating E-Democracy Hands of the Future As we drive into the future on the information high way, we can feel that the future is impinging on us--our private life, business life and public life. Along with the expansion of the Internet capabilities, the conventional economy has expanded to include e-commerce, and the public sector ha......
A Symposium on “Globalization and SinoU.S. relations” Xue Li(145)...
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