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China and US Confront Nuclear Terror Threat Global Times | 2014-3-23 18:48:01 By Qiu Chaobing The third Nuclear Security Summit kicks off Monday at The Hague, the Netherlands. Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama will meet on the sideline of the summit. What can we expect from their meeting? People are paying particular attent......
充实“再平衡”战略: 2013年美国与东南亚国家关系的发展与中国面临的挑战 仇朝兵[①] 摘要:美国的“再平衡”战略包含两个层次:一是在全球层面上,向亚太地区“再平衡”以突显亚太地区的重要性;二是在亚洲内部的“再平衡”,以突显东南亚日益增加的重要性。2013年,美国与东南亚国家的关系在外交关系、军事合作、经贸联系、文化交流等方面都取得了诸多实质性进展,这是美国亚......
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