美国研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有15037项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.959秒)
Mao Qizhi:Beijng urban planning and Development issue...
American Character: Its Influence on the Education System Lloyd Neighbors(124)...
New Books...
〔内容提要〕 美国的州权是美国早期宪政史的一个重要问题。它最集中地体现在联邦法令废止权(n ullification)这一州主权论中。联邦法令废止权在1798年的《肯塔基决议案》和《弗吉尼 亚决议案》中初露端倪,并在1832年的《南卡罗来纳废止联邦法令公告》中发展成型。前两 个 决...
The Peaceful Growth of China in the Eyes of American Strategists(Liu Jianfei)...
Editor's Note(160)...
AMERICAN IDEALISM AND EAST ASIA Huo Shiliang(36) American idealism, based on American values, moral principles and sense of mission, has a lasting and profound influence on American foreign policy. Together with American values, it is the means for the United States to intervene in the internal affairs of East Asian countries. In American thinkin......
DYNAMICS OF CHANGING WORLD ECONOMIC STRUCTURE: U.S. ROLE AND INFLUENCE Xiao Lian(7) This article discusses the inherent dynamics of the changing world economic structure and gives an analysis based on three levels of competition, namely, enterprises, industries and state, which combine to influence the American standing in the new world structure......
〔内容提要〕 本文是《美国对华政策的缘起和发展(1945-1950)》一书的重版序。该书是写半个 世纪前的一段历史,书中讨论的许多问题却与现实有紧密联系。当前中美关系中的主要问题 ,以及决定美国政策的诸多因素和思维模式,仍然可以追溯到那个时候。美国的政策思想有 惊人的延...
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