美国研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有15037项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.143秒)
GLOBAL STRATEGY OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION Liu Xuyi(82) "The New World Order" was part of the Bush administration's global strategy. It had American values and ideals as its guidelines and American interests as its goals. An important factor of it wss U.S.-Soviet collaboration. The disintegration of the Soviet Union, the tensions among its former......
ON U.S. HOSTILE POLICY TOWARDS CHINA IN THE 1950S Huo Shiliang(80) The article expounds that both the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations implemented a hostile policy towards China in the 1950s. Its essence was to separate Taiwan from China and create "Two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan." And the policy was aimed at keeping Taiwan in America......
○今昔笔谈 编者按: 25年前,美国总统尼克松率一小批电视台技术人员、电视节目主持人、评论人及报业记者来 到北京,度过了“改变世界的一周”。2月28日,《中美联合公报》(又称“上海公报”)发 表,从而结束了中美两国长达20余年的对抗,开创了两国关系的新纪元。 25年过去...
AMERICAN POLITICS IN THE 1990S Li Daokui(7) The American political scenario has undergone important changes since the beginning of the 1990s. The most outstanding of such changes is the return of the wave of conservatism. In the period, there have been three major political elections, two presidential and one primary. Their results all point to the......
NATO EXPANSION VIEWED FROM A CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE Liu Jinghua, Niu Jun, Jiang Yi (27) The paper tries to interpret the causes and impact of the eastward expansion of the NATO from the dual histro-cultural and geo-political perspective. It covers five parts: 1. The framework of theoretical analysis. In the current international relations, geo-politi......
Comments on The Centennial Retrospective of the Study of the History of the United States in China Yang Yusheng(122)...
THE EVOLUTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATIONS’S CHINA POLICY IN ITS FIRST TERM Niu Jun(7) The Clinton administration's China policy in its first term may be divided into three stages: 1, from 1992 to June 1994; 2, from June 1994 to May 1996; and 3, f rom May 1996 to early 1997. This article identifies three major factors that af......
Summary of the International Forum on William Faulkner Liu Jianhua(147)...
第四章 一九二九年经济大危机期间的 国家干预 1929年秋,美国爆发了迄今为止经济发展史上最严重的经济危机。这场危机迅速向外蔓延,形成了整个资本主义发展史上持续时间最长、波及范围最广、经济损失最重、影响程度最深的三十年代经济大危机。在美国经济大危机的严重时刻,胡佛政府采取了一些干预措施,但却以彻底失败而告终。这一失败绝不仅仅是胡佛个人的失败。胡佛干预经......
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