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Comments on Walzers “Just War”: An Ideological Division in American Academia on Overseas Military Intervention Zhang Shuyuan and Shi Bin(116)...
美 国 研 究 季 刊 1990年第1期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第4卷 3月25日出版 论杜勒斯的和平哲学及其和平变革说 霍世亮(7) 中国与超级大国 张也白(37) 当前的军备控制谈判 吴 展(58) 美国借债兼并面面观 陈宝森(74) 美国经济学的新垦地 张 健(92)   ——评公共选择理论 ...
U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICY ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Mao Yushi(93) Environmental protection has become a matter of first importance to the whole world. Questions dealt with in this paper include the historical evolution and achievements of the U.S. government policy on and the economic benefits of environmental protection. The author argues that mo......
AMERICA'S TAX REFORM: FAREWELL TO THE KEYNESIAN ERA Xiao Chen(83) The 1986 tax reform was the first tax overhaul based on a non-Keynesian theory. It has eliminated certain tax breaks, restored to a certain extent the progressiveness of the tax system which had been lost due to inflation and improved the environment for free competition. On the wh......
CHINESE PEASANT IN PEARL BUCK'S EYES Zhao Mei(137) Judging from its aesthetic value, Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth is not a literary work of excellence. Rather, it is a popular novel. Its meaning lies in the fact that, while the outside world knew little about China, Buck gave in English a portrayal of Chinese peasants, whose feelings that one h......
WESTERNIZATION AND ANTI-EXCLUSION MOVEMENT IN THE LATE QING DYNASTY Yang Yusheng(77) Though China's westernization advocates of the late Qing Dynasty were not very much concerned with the United States, they were rather interested in the American experience. The unbridled exclusion of Chinese immigrants in the United States aroused popular Chines......
ON THE HISTORY OF U.S.-U.N. RELATIONS Li Shaojun(69) This article reviews the evolution of the relationship between the United States and the United Nations. It argues that the founding of the U.N. marked the completion of the U.S. transition from isolationism to globalism and the beginning of its heading for hegemonism worldwide. In the past 50 ......
ENGAGEMENT PLUS CONTAINMENT Liang Gencheng (7) The author argues that the Clinton administration’s China policy is one of engaging as well as containing China. This is determined by such factors as “the strategy of engagement and enlargement”, the rise of China, U.S. domestic politics, international politics and economic relations. The administr......
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