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Medicinal tablets retrieved from a 2000-year-old shipwreck suggest that classical Mediterranean civilizations had sophisticated drugs. 
Around 130 B.C.E., a merchant ship sank just off the coast of Italy's Tuscany region. The wreck was spotted in 1974 and dubbed the Relitto del Pozzino after the beach near where it was found. Archaeological excav......
After over 100 years, two lost Chinese national treasures are finally coming home. After holding talks with Chinese officials in Beijing, Francois-Henri Pinault, a French luxury brand tycoon, has announced that he will return the famous bronze rat and rabbit heads to China.

The sculptures are two of 12 zodiac animal heads originally found in B......
Researchers have discovered that a document long thought to be a landscape painting from the Qing Dynasty, is in fact one of China's earliest world maps from the Ming Dynasty. Han Bingbin reports. 
Matteo Ricci, the Italian missionary who arguably published the first Chinese-language world map during his long stay in China, was believed to be the......
Most comparative studies of early civilizations in different parts of the world have focused on relatively late stages in their development and have relied heavily on historical sources and comparative ethnography to provide accounts of social, political, and economic organization. The cultural evolutionary tradition of comparison, going back to sc......
The Greater Angkor Project is an international collaboration of the University of Sydney -Australia, APSARA - the Cambodian agency that manages Angkor, and the EFEO (Ecole Francaise d'Extrême Orient) – France. The development of urbanism in SE Asia and the understanding the growth and demise of the city of Angkor between the 7th and the 16th cent......
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   长顺坡墓地位于宜宾市南溪区南溪镇川主寺村长顺坡南面坡脚断坎上。2012年5月下旬,施工单位在进行南溪区北环线建设过程中发现两座宋墓,四川省文物考古研究院、宜宾市博物院、南溪区文管所随后组成考古队进行抢救性发掘。截止8月底,发掘工作顺利结束,并取得了重要的成果。  本次发掘共清理25座墓葬。其中东汉崖墓4座,宋代石室墓8座,明清墓葬13座。  4座崖墓均为单......
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