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Archaeologists have found Neolithic pottery as well as axes and knives made of stone during an excavation in east China's Zhejiang Province.


Discovered by an amateur archaeologist in May 2014, the site in Xiaozhi Township of Linhai City is believed to have been a dwelling place around 8,500 years ago, said Jiang Leping, a research ......
The excavation of Marquis Haihun’s tomb at Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, has been conducted by the Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics and associated institutes in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province since March, 2011. This tomb is roughly dated back to 2000 years ago.

The plan of Marquis Haihun's cemetery


The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has released China's six top new archaeological discoveries of 2015 on Tuesday.


The results were chosen from dozens of new archaeological discoveries in 2015 by judges from the SACH, the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, the National Museum an......





2016 is the year of monkey. Dunhuang Research Academy released a series of frescoes and sculptures with the image of monkey on Feb. 5, 2016. The earliest monkey image it released can be dated back to more than 1,400 years ago. There are also fresco depicts the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang who traveled to the "We......

The recent discovery of dozens of remarkably well-preserved footprints in the southern Arizona desert provides new insights into how Native people practiced a complex system of irrigation agriculture in the region between 2,500 and 3,000 years ago. The find also offers new evidence in a long-standing debate over possible migration patterns from M......





(原文刊于:《考古》2016年第3期;作者单位:李新伟 中国社会科学院考古研究所 )



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