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New facts on Old Kedah, which has been declared as the earliest and oldest civilisation in Southeast Asia, should be immediately included in history books used as textbooks in schools.

Chairman of the Malaysian Historical Society Kedah branch, Prof Dr Wan Shamsuddin Mohd Yusof said the information was necessary so the young generation could be aw......
Eighty-six tortoise shells, an eagle’s wing, and the pelvis of a leopard are some of the bizarre objects placed under, around, or on the body of a petite woman, likely a shaman, buried 12,000 years ago in Israel.

The woman’s body was placed on materials like clay and the cores of gazelle horns, and in addition to the other items, sea s......



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The Xiaonanshan site is located in the Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province. There are a large number of archaeological remains have been detected at the site since its initial discovery in early 1950s’. From July to November in 2015, a new season of excavation was launched and conducted by the archaeological team in the collaboration of the H......







  2016年9月1日下午,由中国社会科学院考古研究所主办的“2016年度考古学研究系列学术讲座”第十讲在考古研究所八楼会议室举行。以色列本古里安大学Ofer Marder教授受邀为大家带来了题为“Modern human dispersals out of Africa and into the Levant - a view from Manot Cave (Western Galilee, Israel),现代人走出非洲的新观点-来自黎凡特Manot洞穴遗址的......
Although some Italian priests famously came to China in the late 16th century, large numbers of Western missionaries only stepped into the country after the 1840s, when the Middle Kingdom was forced to open its gates to the Western world in the aftermath of the first Opium War.

The missionaries took myriad Chinese books and written records of thei......

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