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An archaeological dig in northern Italy has unearthed the remains of a 13-year-old-girl buried face-down -- evidence, archaeologists say, that despite her young age, she was rejected by her community and seen as a danger even when dead.


Dubbed by Italian media as “the witch girl,” the skeleton was unearthed at the complex of San......

Archaeologists in Browina (Kujawsko-Pomorskie) discovered objects attesting to far-reaching contacts of the first farmers living in the area of today’s Poland.


"Here, in the central part of Chełmno land, the first farmers appeared as early as 8000 years ago. Fertile soil and varied water network encouraged settlers. We came acros......

  中国金银玻璃珐琅器全集编辑委员会 编:《中国美术分类全集:中国金银玻璃珐琅器全集4 玻璃器(一)》,河北美术出版社,2004年12月。


In recent days, the first stage of the archaeological excavation has finished in Gezishan Ruins in Qingtongxia City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. 


After a month's work, over 9000 burned stones, more than 600 chipped stone tools, over 200 polished stone implements and other tools are excavated in the site. A few decorations, semi-......

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The Xiazhai Site of Xichuan is located at the north Xiazhai Village in Taohe town, Xichuan County, Nanyang City of the Henan Province, which is in between the intersection of Tao River and Danjiang Rivers. In order to coordinate the construction of infrastructures, the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology had conducted a......
Scientists have discovered three ancient dragonfly sub-species indigenous to China at the Shennongjia Nature Reserve, one of the researchers announced on Wednesday.
"The three sub-species are found nowhere else in the world," said Zhang Haomiao, an aquatic animal researcher from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Zhang said the sub-species c......

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