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A new archaeological site has been unveiled in China's Shaanxi Province. Two tombs from the Qin Kindom in the time of the Warring States are under excavation. The tombs can be dated back to over 2,200 years ago and are estimated to belong to the great grandfather of Emperor Qinshihuang, the first emperor of ancient China.

The site is located in ......

    敖汉旗是全国闻名的文物大旗(县)之一,遗址总数居内蒙古自治区各旗(县)之首位。为了深入推进敖汉史前考古调查、发掘与研究工作,确立敖汉史前考古在内蒙古东南部乃至整个东北地区的核心地位,提升敖汉旗文化知名度,促进敖汉旗文化遗产保护及相关文化产业的发展,本着“精诚合作 共谋双赢”的原则,中国社会科学院考古研究所与内蒙古敖汉旗人民政府在敖汉旗设立“敖......

The inscriptions on the artifacts which were recently unearthed in east China's Zhejiang Province have reportedly replaced oracle bone script to be the earliest record of ancient Chinese characters, Beijing Times reports.

The inscriptions on the artifacts which were recently unearthed in east China's Zhejiang Province have reportedly replaced or......



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图为论坛开幕上向入选世界重大考古研究成果的代表颁发证书。中新社发 孙自法 摄

The major discovery of 60 tombs and sacrificial pits in Gansu Province sheds light on the mystery of an ancient nomadic tribe along the Silk Road.
A 2,000-year-old wooden cart embellished with gold, silver and copper foil patterns is helping archeologists understand the Xirong tribal culture along the Silk Road.
Big horn sheep and tigers are amo......

An Italian-Spanish archeological team on Friday prepared to launch a dig in an extraordinary tomb whose discovery was announced six months ago.


The tomb belongs to May, an important government officer of the XVIII dynasty, an era ruled by pharoahs such as Tutankhamon and the "heretic" pharoah Akhenaton, who established a sun cult dedicated ......
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