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Today, only few poems by the ancient Greek poetess Sappho have survived, but thanks to new findings, two new works have been recovered, giving experts hope to find even more.

These previously unknown poems by the great poetess of the 7th century B.C. came to light when the owner of an ancient papyrus consulted Oxford classicist world-renowne......


Chinese archaeologists unearthed ruins of a huge ancient city – Shengle (30 km south of Hohhot) which dates back to the late Northen Wei Dynasty (386 - 534 AD) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 


A large-scale funerary monument of 56 ancient tombs, which date back to the Warring States period (475 BC- 211 BC) was found at the......

  近日,伊犁哈萨克自治州发掘出一尊四耳喇叭足青铜鍑,高约60厘米,直径约为50厘米,文物专家经过与此前在伊犁出土的青铜鍑相对比,初步认定它是西汉时期的文物 刘洋 摄






Three thousand years before King Tut's body was brushed with embalming oils and wrapped in linen to rest in a gold-filled tomb, prehistoric Egyptians seeking immortality may have experimented with their own recipes to preserve the dead for the afterlife.

This resin-saturated flax yarn came from a late Neolithic burial wrapping, found a......
The sacral site Shaitanskoye Ozero II (which is referred to as Shaytanka) largely changed the views on the problem of transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and the formation of metallurgical centers in Northern Eurasia.
The turn of the third and second millennia B.C. in Central Asia is marked by so-called Seima-Turbino (ST) phenomenon. It......
About 9 thousand years ago near today's lake Świdwie (West Pomerania) shamans performed mysterious rituals. Today, archaeologists discovered traces of this unusual activity.
Figures dressed in the furs, chanting monotonous song emerge from the shadows and clouds of smoke. Wearing masks and animal antlers on their heads, they carry small bu......

Archaeologists discovered the wreckage of an ancient ship subsequent to the discovery of the ruins of five large-scale ancient bridges in the old course of the Weihe River in the northern suburbs of Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Jan 16.


remains of ancient boats

According to archaeological material......
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