中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时1.513秒)
Report of the 2011 Excavation of the Mazongshan Ancient Jade Mine Site in Subei County,GansuGansu Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and ArchaeologyThe Mazongshan Ancient Jade Mine is located in Jingbao’er Grassland near Heyan Lake,about 22 kilometers northwest of Mazongshan Town, Subei County, the Gansu Province. From October to November......
In an article published online March 17 in Nature, researchers from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Shandong Tianyu Museum of Natural History described three specimens of fossil bird from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Group which preserved the remains of mature ovarian folli......
Four of China's precious terracotta warriors and one terracotta horse are on display at an exhibition named "Treasures of China," which opened Monday in Bucharest, at the National Museum of Romania's History.
In his speech at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta called on the public and especially young peo......
Cultural heritage experts are urging managers of historic sites to recruit more volunteers to keep watch over China's priceless relics.
The call comes shortly after centuries-old stonemasonry at Beijing's Ming Tombs was badly damaged by suspected would-be thieves.
Although many sites already have cameras and barriers, expert He Shuzhong warned th......

This shows fossil remains found by a George Washington University biologist in northwestern China have been identified as a new species of small theropod, or meat-eating, dinosaur.
Fossil remains found by a George Washington University biologist in northwestern China have been identified as a new species of small theropod, or meat-eating, dino......
    The Song 宋 Dynasty mural tomb at Liujialing 刘家岭 , Guiyang 桂阳, Hunan Province, which consists of a passage, a front chamber and back chamber with arch roof and totally 13 m in length, was constructed with bricks in a earth shaft. The passage has 7 steps at its front part. A brick table was found in the front chamber. The two side ......
  国庆临近,河北省博物馆又精心组织两大展览,免费向公众开放。一为《大汉绝唱——— 满城汉墓》;一为《战国雄风——— 中山古国》。    河北省博物馆自今年6月8日调试运行以来,开始免费向公众开放,现已接待观众4万多人次。新馆首期推出了《北朝壁画》、《名窑名瓷》、《曲阳石雕》三个展览,受到市民们的好评。9月1日又开放了《大汉绝唱——— 满城汉墓》展览。双节前......
Tibetan culture has been well preserved and developed, and freedom of religious belief has been respected and protected, says a white paper issued on Tuesday.
The study and use of the Tibetan language and script are protected by law in China, and bilingual education, with Tibetan as the principal language, is widespread in Tibet, says the white p......
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