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Japanese and Mongolian archaeologists said Feb. 26 that they have discovered the remains of a 13th-century military outpost established for Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan (c. 1162-1227) in southwestern Mongolia.


The joint research team said the discovery could be useful in learning about the Mongol Empire’s strategy on western expansio......

Researchers made discovery after analysing sediment from Oman


These sediments provided a 160,000 year record of area's climate


Deposits reveal our ancestors left Africa 75,000 to 130,000 years ago


They did so in multiple phases as a result of rapid bursts of rainfall


This contradicts theory they left all at once around......
The site of Liao Dynasty’s upper capital is located at the southeast of Lindong town, Bairin Left Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The site consists of two parts, the north of which is Imperial city, and the south is Han city, with a “日” shape and an area of about 5 square kilometers. The wall of Imperial city is well pr......
A UNESCO and Chinese experts team on Monday began providing a five-day training course to more than 100 Cambodian culture officials on the work of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.

Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Phoeurng Sackona expressed her gratitude to UNESCO and the Chinese governm......
A well-preserved bronze sword was unearthed in Zhoukou, Henan province, from a 2,000-year-old tomb along with other funeral objects.

A well-preserved bronze sword was unearthed in Zhoukou, Henan province

The Beijing Times reported on Sunday that the sword, found in the tomb complex built between the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) and Eas......
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