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Without any firings or repairs in the past 13 years, an ancient kiln in China's porcelain capital, Jingdezhen City in the eastern Jiangxi Province, was on the verge of collapse, forcing authorities to protect the only remaining relic of its type in the country. 
    The 200-square-meter kiln fired pots for the royal families during the reign of E......
    半山类型因1924年安特生首先发现于甘肃省广和县洮河西岸的半山遗址而得名,距今约4500年(约4650年—4350年之间), 分布在陇山以西的渭水上游、兰州附近的黄河沿岸到青海贵德盆地,及黄河支流湟水、大夏河、洮河、庄浪河、祖厉河、河西走廊的永昌、武威、古浪、景泰等地区.范围基本与马家窑类型相同,但已逐渐西移。1923年,安特生在兰州购买了一批出自洮河流域的史前彩陶......


      On April 2, reporters learned from the Publicity Department of the CPC Dingxi Municipal Committee of Gansu Province that in the Third National Census of Cultural Relics, found a large Qijia cultural site which is about 4000 years old. This is the first time that a completely intact Qijia lime-surfaced house has been found in Gansu.      It ......
     A group of correspondents cover the archaeological excavation site on-the-spot at Wangzigang Relics in Lingling District of Yongzhou City, central China's Hunan Province, May 13, 2009. Archaeologists discovered several cultural layers after a few months' work. Shelters, tombs and skeletons of ancient human being were found in the ruins. Acco......
    Keywords: Zhejiang  Zicheng site of Tang and Song Mingzhou City  celadon from the Yue kilns


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Human beings have long lived with music, and in China, musical instruments have existed for thousands of years. In Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of Southwest China, the ancient Bronze Drum is still part of everyday life for the local minority there. It's regarded as the essence of their culture. 

More than 2,000 years ago in the Spring and Au......


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