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    蔡为周武王弟蔡叔子胡的封国,早期都上蔡,地在今河南上蔡县。蔡国故城位于今上蔡县城关一带,年代约从西周至春秋时期。楚灭蔡后,仍被作为楚北部的一个军事重镇。    蔡国故城的平面略呈长方形,城墙总周长10490米,其中南墙长2700米,东墙长2490米,北垣长2113米,西墙长3187米,城墙残存高约4~11米,宽15~25米,城墙外有城壕遗迹,宽70~103米。城墙上比较明显的城门遗迹......
Mindful of what happened in neighboring Iraq during the 2003 war when museums were pillaged and monuments damaged, Syrian archeologists have sounded the alarm that the prolonged and escalated unrest in Syria is imperiling its cultural ruins.
Syria, once a regional trade center, has been a mecca for archaeologists from all over the world for its ......
In the east China's Zhejiang Province, two ancient towns dating from the Tang Dynasty, sleep silently under a man-made lake. They've been there for more than 50 years, nearly forgotten. That was until a former villager set out on a rather unusual project. 
Traveling back in time, that's now possible with this unique map.
In 1959, a dam submerged ......
4月23日-24日,所长王巍、副所长陈星灿赴美国斯坦福大学参加农业起源国际研讨会,陈星灿发表论文。4月23日,学部委员刘庆柱在浙江参加全国政协大运河保护与 申遗跟踪调研。同日下午,副所长白云翔会见日本奈良文化财研究所加藤真二一行,商谈有关今年赴日文物展事宜。4月24日-27日,白云翔赴吉林省文物考古研究所考古工地考察。4月24日,刘庆柱参加大运河保护与申遗暨西湖世界......






Egypt's minister of antiquities says a team of Spanish archaeologists has discovered two tombs in the southern part of the country, one of them belonging to a writer and containing a trove of artifacts including reed pens and a bronze inkwell.


Mohammed Ibrahim said that the writing utensils were found next to a mummy, which is well pres......

    Keywords: Yinxu    bronze    decoration    orientation    observer



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The US has returned an ancient stone coffin from the Tang Dynasty to China, under the China-US memorandum. It marks the culmination of a four-year investigation, and is important for the return of Chinese artifacts of national cultural significance.


Back home, and on display at the Shaanxi History Museum. A Tang Dynasty stone coffin of Impe......


Archaeologists from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań have studied three settlements dating back about 4000 years in the region of Kakucs, about 40 km from the capital of Hungary - Budapest.

Polish researchers are interested in the Vatya culture (2000-1500/1400 BC). It occupied the central area of the Danube basin. It is known primarily ......
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