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More than 2,200 years after the Terracotta Warriors were created to serve the first emperor of feudal China, they now have their own servants - a team of around 30 scientists who restore, repair and beautify them with modern tools and technology.
"When these pottery statues were unearthed, they were mostly in small pieces," said Wang Liang, a sci......


An archaeological staff member measures an ancient tomb discovered in Xin'gang Township, Fanchang County, east China'sAnhui Province, Dec. 22, 2011. Archaeologists on Thursday startedto unearth a group of ancient tombs discovered in a constructionsite in Xin'gang Township of Anhui Province. The tombs were believed to be of the Tang (618-907) and......
Scientists said on Sunday that they have finished sequencing the genome of a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.
Zhou Huanmin, project leader and head of the biological research lab at the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, said Sunday that this was the first individual genome sequencing of a Mongolian.
The blood donator was a male only ident......
Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade on Tuesday laid the foundation stone in the capital Dakar for the Black Civilization Museum which is funded by China to the tune of 30 million U. S. dollars.
The museum will be constructed besides the Grand National Theatre, which was also constructed by China and inaugurated in April.
The design of the museum ......


    日前,江苏省淮安市楚州区发现 了一处明代将军家族墓,发掘金发簪、金耳环、龙泉碗、服饰等文物130多件,出土文物 对研究明代淮安的墓葬制度、丧葬风俗以及漕运史、服饰史都具有重要的意义。
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