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(中国社会科学院 考古研究所,北京 100710) 
Some people live to a hundred years old, he may still be a child. 
Danish fairy tale writer Andersen wrote in the "Emperor's New Clothes". Super king to wear two swindlers to weave the "gorgeous new" ceded to the streets to show off. I did not expect that echo others from the crowd broke through a rite of passage to manhood unders......
    Chinese researchers report that they have discovered a great deal of stones believed to be relics of Quaternary period glaciers (dating 2.5 million years ago) in a Beijing suburb.
    The stones, many measuring several meters high and with one to three leveled surfaces, were discovered in a 2-km-long valley in Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou Dis......
●调查与发掘2005年度伊犁州巩留县山口水库墓地考古发掘报告        新疆文物考古研究所   (001)
特克斯县恰甫其海A区X号墓地发掘简报                新疆文物考古研究所   (041)
新疆巴里坤东黑沟遗址调查              西北大学文化遗产与考古学研究中心等  (048)
甘肃马鬃山区考古调查简报    西北大学文化遗产与考古学研究中心、甘肃省文物考古研究所   (062)
Main Contents 
Museum of Fufeng County
A new lot of bronze vessels of Shang and Zhou Dynasties discovered in Fufeng county,Shaanxi province   (3)
    The Fufeng county has disclosed her important bronze vessels many times since the first discovery of bronze of the beginning of Han Dynasty, On October 15, 2006, villagers of 5th group of Hongwei ......
Main Contents and abstract
Henan Provincial Ancient Architecture Preservation Institute,
Excavation of the Building Foundation of Ciyuan Temple in Linzhou City   (4)
【Abstract】The Institute of Ancient Architecture Preservation of Henan Province excavated the pedestals of the Great hall, the Three – religion hall and the Wenchang hall of Ci......
               内容提要:鲤鱼嘴遗址是华南地区一处重要的新石器时代贝丘遗址,该遗址经过两次的发掘,出土了一批重要的文化遗物和水、陆生动物遗骸。在这批文化遗物中的燧石器、砾石石器、陶器等反映了不同社会经济形态。本文通过对鲤鱼嘴遗址三个时期在气候环境、植物形态、动物形态以及出土器物类型的分析对鲤鱼嘴遗址史前社会经济形态的变化和发展进行初步探讨。关 键 词:......


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