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Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,  
Excavation of Xia ,Shang and Zhou Cultural Remains on the Xigaoping Site in Anyang City……(3)
Yuan Junjie 
Nature of the Historical Record on the "Zuo Ce Ban 作册般" Inscribed Bronze Yuan 
Soft - thelled Turtle ………………………………………………… (39)
Li Yujie,
#现场传真#重庆彭水发现豪华古墓 墓主身份目前还是谜: 一座汉代石室墓长15.8米,高3.1米,最宽处2.8米。这是渝东南地区发现的最大石室墓,初步将其时代定为东汉晚期。墓葬早期被盗,棺木荡然无存,墓主身份成谜,发掘者认为墓主有可能是刘备军师庞统之子(来源:重庆商报)2013.1.5



Scientists in central China's Henan Province announced on Tuesday that they had unearthed fossils of the heaviest dinosaur in Asia.
The fossils were discovered in an area between Santun township and Liudian township in Ruyang county, and the dinosaur, which has an unusually large coelom -- the body cavity that contains the digestive tract --......
Main Contents
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology  Weinan Municipal Institute of Culture Protection & Archaeology  Hancheng Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau
A Brief Report of the Excavation of the No.M19 site at Liangdai village in Hancheng city, Shaanxi   (3)
Xi’an Municipal Institute of Culture Protection & Archaeology
Brief ......




In October 13, the Inner Mongolian participants in the Sino-Mongolian Expedition reported this year’s fieldwork. The joint expedition aims to investigate the origin of ancient nomads, interaction, and rise of nomadic civilization in the Mongolian plateau across contemporary territorial boundary. This year it surveyed the valleys of Riv......
    本报讯  浦南高速公路是福建省“十五”规划的重要工程,地处闽北浦城县至南平市一线。去年5月,考古人员在福建公路所经地段沿线50米范围内进行文物普查,发现近90处新石器至唐宋时期遗址。今年9月,为配合浦南高速公路建设,福建省文物管理委员会考古工作队暨福建省博物院考古研究所、闽越王城博物馆、南平市博物馆、浦城县文化馆联合组成考古队对浦南高速公路沿......

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