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The upcoming Natural History Museum in Singapore launched a drive on Sunday to raise 12 million Singapore dollars (9.8 million U.S. dollars) by the end of the month to buy three dinosaur fossils from a company in Wyoming, the United States.The three dinosaurs on offer from the company Dinosauria International, thought to be a family, were found b......



河南淅川县下寨遗址2009-2010年发掘简报    河南省文物考古研究所、河南省文物局南水北调文物保护办公室(河南  郑州市)(3)

【摘 要】2009年3月~2010年12月,河南省文物考古研究所为配合南水北调中线丹江口库区大坝加高工程,对属于未来淹没区的淅川下寨遗址进行发掘,发现了较为丰富的仰韶文化、石家河文化、王湾三期文化晚期遗存。尤其是石家河......
New technology is coming to the aid of the world's oldest structure - the Zoser Pyramid in Egypt. Earthquake damage to the 4,600-year-old pyramid is being stabilized by a Welsh company using water to hold it all together.
This is the "Pyramid of Djoser" at Saqqara in Egypt. In 1992, after being hit by an earthquake, the burial chamber partially c......
      Tuyugou Grottoes was the earliest Buddhist grottoes in eastern Xinjiang. It was located at the Mazha village Tuyugou Township, Shanshan County in Xinjiang, where was of great geographic significance for the spreading of Buddhist grotto art from the West Regions to Central China. To support the application for listing of Silk Road (Xinjiang ......



    本报讯(实习记者 黄建伟)日前,记者从雁江区文物管理所获悉,该所2010年12月29日至30日在资阳市二环路B段施工工地现场抢救性清理发掘的古墓葬(本报2011年1月6日第5版曾作报道),目前经省考古研究院专家考证后初步认定,该崖墓属兼有汉代和南北朝特征的跨时代家族墓。    据雁江区文物管理所......

     A well-preserved ancient village of 636-year history was discovered in the central part of Southwest China's Guizhou Province recently. 
    The village, named Baojiatun, was located in Anshun city, 75 kilometers away from the provincial capital Guiyang and 60 kilometers away from China's largest Huangguoshu waterfall. 
    Bao ......
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