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Treading the stone path tucked away in the verdant and fairly remote Tiantai Mountain, Xu Zhenqing cannot help but get caught up in feelings of nostalgia.
For 69-year-old Xu, it is a trip back in time, which, in a sense, reconnects himself with his tenth great grandfather, Xu Xiake, a legendary traveler and geographer in ancient China who is know......
In the Philippines, Italian paleontologists found the remains of a 20 million-year-old fossilized ancient sea mammal.
According to the expedition, the extinct sea cow species lived during the Miocene Period, and was found inside a cave in Palawan Province. 
Philippine President Benigno Aquino praised the Italian explorers, and the University of F......
Excavation of the Eastern Han Tombs in Nanchang,Jiangxi
【Author】 Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
【Abstract】 In August of 2003,archaeologists unearthed a graveyard in Jiaoqiao Town, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. The 4 excavated tombs are all richly furnished brick-chamber tombs, north-south in orientation. Th......
Archaeologists said the stringed iron coins found in north Hebei Province might have been the reserve money of a local government of the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279).
The coins were found after experts excavated an ancient city site in Cangxian County, Hebei Province. The coins were well cast and clustered by strings, said local researcher Wang Minz......
   This excavation report is about Yan Jia Liang Site, an archaeological site of Yuan Dynasty co-excavated by Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Baotou Heritage Management Office in 2006. Yan Jia Liang Site, 570 meters from east to west, 700 meters from north to south, with a total area of 2000 square meter......
   题目:中国剑及其装饰    Chinese swords and their ornaments
主讲人:杜德兰(Alain Thote) (法国高等实验学院教授)

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