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The book vividly represented the process of discovery and unearthing of some national treasures to which some introductions are also made.
     In 2006, The center for scientific Archaeology of IA CASS and McDonald Archaeological Institute of Cambridge University signed an agreement on the research of ancient horse bone, and this cooperation project had been approved by National Administration of Cultural Heritage. According to the agreement, Marsha Levine form McDonald Archaeologic......
Main Contents
Sichuan Institute of Historic Relic Archaeology and Research Ya’an Historic Relic Administration
Unearthing Bulletin for Ya’an Shaxi Ruins in 2005                                    (3)
Sichuan Historic Relic and Archaeology and Research 
Han and Ming Dynasty Wall Ruins of Wenchuan Jianwei Castle                        (19)
Main Contents:
●New Discovery
Xianning Municipal Museum,
Brief Report on Excavation of Ganjiapo Site   (4)
【Abstract】Located at Xiangxi village, Xingshan county, Hubei, the Ganjiapo site was excavated from July to August in 2004 by Xianning Municipal Museum, and it yielded two residential platforms, an ash pit of the Spring and Autumn peri......


On December 6 over 200 bamboo slips inscribed with ancient Chinese characters were discovered packed in a silk bag tucked into the Xiejiaqiao No.1 tomb in Hubei Province. The tomb is over 2,200 years old.

The ancient documents were found nine days after archaeologists uncovered a 2.46-meter-long coffin wrapped in four tiers of embroidered si......
A latest research on a tombstone dating back to the ninth century showed Christianity had most probably been popular among Tang Dynasty (618-907) civilians, Chinese archaeologists said. 

The incomplete damaged eight-surface tombstone, unearthed in Luoyang City, central Henan Province, in 2006, had scriptures of the Jingjiao, or Nestorian......
Main Contents
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Weinan Municipal Institute of Archaeology and Preservation of Cultural Relics, Hancheng Municipal Bureau of Heritage and Tourism,
A Brief Excavation Report on the No.26 Tomb Located in Liangdai Village, Hancheng City, Shaanxi   (4)
    In April 2005, a collaborative archaeological tea......
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