中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.206秒)
Six cultural relics, including a pottery jar and pot as well as damaged pottery spindle whorl and an iron sword, were recently unearthed out of a 1,000-year-old tomb from the Southern Dynasties period found at a construction site on Huangguan Road in a chemical industry park in Anqing, Anhui Province. The relics were handed over to the Anqing Mus......
关键词:山西太原市  童子寺遗址  石窟寺  北朝  隋唐时期KEYWORDS: Shanxi Taiyuan City   Tongzi Temple Site   Grottoes   Northern Dynasties  Sui-Tang PeriodABSTRACT: In 2002, the excavation conducted to Tongzi Temple at Longshan Mountain, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province recovered the entire site of the monastery built in the Ming Dynasty. Trial excavatio......
Samples of antiquities from Daminggong site at Xi'an Shanxi             Samples of antiquities from Xingyuan burial site at Yanshi, Henan Samples of ceramics from Xi’an, Shaanxi  Samples of antiquities from Yuandadu site  Samples of antiquities from Tieluzhuang site at Xi'an Shanxi         

Antiquities from the exhibition of "China in Archaeolog......
Zhaoming Wenxuan is China's earliest exiting collection of Chinese poetry. Recently, a new edition of the collection with comments by a famous scholar of the Qing Dynasty, Li Zhaoluo, has been found in central China's Wuhan city.
The newly found version bound in thread was printed in 1778 during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. The poetry collectio......
Main Contents
●Xiangfan Municipal Institute of Culture Relics and Archaeology
A Tomb of the Three Kingdoms Period Excavated in Caiyue, Xiangfan, Hubei (4)
In October 2008, a rescue excavation was held in the Fancheng Area of Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, to unearth a tomb of the Three Kingdoms period. A large number of burial objects were excav......
考古所文化遗产保护中心 2011年4月6日...
The recent discovery of several skeletons in the Danish capital of Copenhagen has left archaeologists with a mystery, a Danish archaeologist told Xinhua.
In early March, archaeologists from the Museum of Copenhagen excavated nine complete skeletons dating back to between 1666 and 1760, including six children.
Unearthed by a local energy company d......
      陕西是中华文明发祥地之一,历史文化源远流长。在陕西21000余处古遗址中,仅帝王陵园和贵族墓园遗址就多达18000余处。大遗址是陕西文物遗存中最重要的组成部分,具有分布广、面积大、等级高等突出特点。     “十一五”以来,由国家主导保护的100处大遗址中陕西占15处共40个点。在国家文物局、财政部等国家部委的大力支持和省委、省政府的正确领导下,陕西就大遗址保护问......
The much anticipated third excavation of the Terra Cotta Warriors site in northwest China's Shaanxi Province kicked off Sunday. As the excavation continues, a team of Chinese archaeologists are now working hard on reinforcing the color paintings, unearthed on June the 13th.
Apart from the work of cleaning up the Number One pit where some warriors......
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