全球城市竞争力研究 为您搜到的结果 约有1538项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.102秒)
香港金鐘正義道9號亞洲協會香港中心總部利國偉廳 23 May 2012PressConference of“China UrbanCompetitiveness Study 2012” Lee Guo Wei Room, Asia Society Hong Kong Center9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong 程序 Programme Rundown 3:30pm  接待 Reception  3:45pm開宗致辭鄧淑德女士香港明天更好基金行政總裁 Opening Remarks Ms. Karen TangExecutive DirectorThe ......
To be edited...
Urban Competitiveness and Industrial Clusters in Mexico.pdf...
A Development Officer.pdf...
Recently Probe into the Development Mode of Low-income Settlements in the Urbanization Process ---- the Experience of Shantytowns Reconstruction in Liaoning, collaboratively written by CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and UN-HABITAT, was released...
GUCP Conference 2013 agenda.docx...
In the context of globalization and urbanization, cities are becomingincreasingly important. The competition among cities brings urban is getting increasinglyfierce. From 2008, the financial tsunami and European debt crisis has began to sweepthe global cities. Up to now the world is still suffer a lot. During the crisis,the pattern of global compe......
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